25 || Dangerously Deranged

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After their confrontation with Kacchan yesterday, Y/N had been experiencing some very mixed emotions about him. Fear for what he had become, nostalgia for what he had been, guilt for what had happened to him, sadness for what he would never again be, but strangely enough, happiness too.

Maybe it was because their childhood friend was alive and well, maybe it was because they'd no longer have to live in shame of their loss. Y/N wasn't entirely sure what caused it, but they knew that they'd be kidding themselves in letting that simple yet unexpected emotion trick them into thinking that it could all go back to the way it was before.

Now, standing in the light observation deck surrounded by screens and their teachers, these revelations hit Y/N like a slap to the face. All Might, Aizawa, Nezu, Deku, and Y/N themself watched in morbid horror as Kacchan's face contorted while his classmates began talking.

"Bakugou? Your name's Bakugou?" Came the slightly distorted voice of Kaminari.

"Oh no..." Whispered Deku.

"You need to tell them to stop." Y/N said frantically, turning to their teachers.

"Why?" Aizawa asked. Y/N drew in a breath to explain, but bit their lip after thinking better of it as Deku also held his tongue. After informing them of what he now knew lead to Kacchan's disappearance, Deku had made Y/N agree to not telling anyone of the domestic abuse the Villain known as Ground Zero had suffered through as a child.

"He isn't going to take it well." Deku mumbled.

"So? It's not our problem if he can't handle a little mockery." Aizawa said, and though his words were harsh his tone was soft and understanding. Y/N could see that he would listen to anything either them or Deku had to say, but they just weren't sure if they should tell Aizawa before consulting Kacchan himself.

"Sir, with all due respect, you don't understand. If that-" Y/N pointed to the screen depicting Kacchan as he snarled, surrounded by the rest of Class 1-A as they continued rubbing salt in his now open wounds. "-continues, he's going to snap."

"Snap in what way?" Asked Nezu curiously, spinning in his chair to face his students instead of the screen.

"Mentally, physically, emotionally; every way!" Y/N said, eyes glued to the screen. "Please, it's for our peer's safety." They said, peeling an E/C gaze away from the television to stare pleadingly at their teachers.

"You know how Ground Zero is renowned for the rages he goes into when fighting?" Deku says, trying to rationalize their reasoning without giving himself away.

"Ah yes, rumours say that when he does that you're very unlikely to escape unscathed!" All Might chortled.

"Well, those rumours are true. But what's worse is when he becomes quiet." Y/N said, only for Deku to add on where they'd left off.

"It's like a...killing calm. He won't stop until his targets are completely destroyed, and he won't listen to reason, rules, logic, or laws. At least when he's just angry he's still got a conscience, but he looses all sense of right and wrong when he goes like that."

"And you think that those problem children using his real name is going to trigger this state?" Aizawa said slowly, a contemplative look on his face.

"Absolutely." Y/N said, relieved that at least their homeroom teacher understood. "Without a doubt." Deku added, also sighing.

"Nezu, I think-" But Aizawa's sentence was cut off as an ear splitting shriek made its way from the speakers. They all turned with wide eyes to see Kacchan standing and staring blankly at a hole in the wall of a building, where the shoes of Mineta's Hero Costume were just visible through the rubble.

Level Zero - Villain!Bakugou RehabilitationWhere stories live. Discover now