1 || Meetings and Missions

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Bakugou Katsuki's POV

Ground Zero hadn't even made it to lunch today without feeling the intense urge to smash someone's face in, which was bad even for his standards.

It started off with Handyman banging on his bedroom door at four in the morning, waking the pissy teen up on his supposed 'day off'.

He said he had a meeting to go to, and demanded Zero's attendance. From there, things only got worse.

The young commander in the League of Villains had decided that if he had to put up with some 'leaders' of other Villainous societies, then Zero had to go with him.

Shigaraki claimed it was so that his irritable villain rival could protect him, like a good little body guard, though they both knew that was not the case.

Shigaraki only wanted Ground Zero to come so that the other outlaw would suffer alongside him, but it was passively aggressive enough to make sure Zero wouldn't turn the offer down.

Looking back on it, Zero came to a conclusion.

He would honestly prefer to face off against all the Pro Heroes in the world, rather than being cooped up in a stuffy room with a bunch of other Villains like he'd been forced to. Worse yet, it ended up being a complete waste of his time, just like he'd said it would.

It wasn't like anyone listened to Zero anyways, claiming him 'too young to trust' despite his widely known alias and vast amount of experience.

Zero swore to himself that one day his kill count would be high enough that his age wouldn't matter, only his mood. He thought of himself as smarter than any of the others regardless, though Zero was aware that he'd often been labelled as...premature and impulsive.

In that meeting though, with all the so called representatives bickering like spoiled brats, Zero was thoroughly impressed that he managed to avoid killing anyone.

In short, it wasn't even one o'clock and life had left him in a very, very bad mood. And that was saying something considering his normal sentiment.

— — —

Back in his room at the LOV's headquarters Zero could finally have some time to himself, without random people breathing down his neck.

He threw himself onto his small but comfortable bed, letting his eyes roam around his room just like he had done thousands of times before.

It was plain, military-styled almost, with only the bare minimum to be functional. Zero thought that was fine, as long as it was good quality and not some junk that got picked up off the sidewalk somewhere.

A medium in-built dresser was located in one corner of the room by the door, and there was a desk facing a small aperture.

The window itself didn't have much of a view, just showing the rest of this miserable area full of beaten up buildings and petty criminals, but it was his home now. And it was certainly better than anything Zero's own blood relatives had ever given him.

Scattered over the burnt umber mini-table were numerous papers, most un-finished projects and upgrade plans, but some were from the pointless studies that he was made to undertake.

Ever since Zero had first arrived here as a child, Kurogiri had been the mum of the group. This meant making Zero, as a legally underage member of the League, do academic work and almost blackmailing him into being home schooled.

Zero was above his age groups expected IQ levels and both the Villains knew it, though he himself had no clue how reciting the first hundred digits of pi was going to help him exterminate Heroes...

Level Zero - Villain!Bakugou RehabilitationNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ