13 || Casual Conversations

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Kaminari Denki's POV

A groan escaped Denki's lips as he slung out an arm from the warmth of his bed to slap his alarm clock. However, he soon realised that he had misjudged the distance from his current position, curled up under his comfortable blankets, to his nightstand.

And of course the one time Denki missed was also the one time he had gone to hit the cursed device with a measurable amount of force.

The arm that was now swinging out into the chilly void almost acted like a lever, and it was barely seconds before his half twisted torso followed behind the protruding limb. Blinking groggily, Denki focused his attention on this new position.

He was half in and half out of his bed with both arms sprawled  across the floor, right cheek smushed against the icy boards and hair tickling his nose. He huffed a breath, and the few strands of honey gold tufts over his eyes shifted.

"Well that's one way to wake up." He mumbled to himself.

Denki felt his legs begin to follow the rest of his body out of bed and didn't even try to stop it as they fell to the hard floor, pushing the rest of his body further across the panelled wood ground of his room. Denki groaned and pushed himself up.

Walking like a drunken clubber towards his wardrobe where he could see his U.A. uniform, he promptly tripped on a discarded item of clothing and once again, kissed the floor.

Denki could already tell that this Tuesday would be a long one.

—  —  —

Arriving at school that day was the same as every other morning for Denki. Walk through the streets, try not to get lost, shoot finger guns at some of his female friends in U.A.'s corridors, make a stupid joke or two to people as they passed by, then eventually make it into Class 1-A.

Just the normal.

But the vibe when he arrived in the class was completely different to what he had expected.

Unusually for Denki, he'd managed to not wander that far astray this morning in the streets, and the alarm he set himself had provided him with extra time to account for his usual idiocy.

This morning though, he thought he'd be first to class for once thanks to the fifty odd minutes before homeroom would even begin. Because yes, he normally did need that additional time just to make it into class.

But no, there were two other people in here with him. And while Denki didn't know what they were talking about, even his still half-asleep eyes could see that things were sure getting heated.

A familiar head of H/C hair, perched on top of tightly set shoulders and resolutely crossed arms, met Denki's eyes. His close friend and peer Y/N had their back to him, in order to face a boy of similar height.

He was instantly recognisable from his curled cluster of unruly green hair and dusting of symmetrical freckles. The odd thing that Denki noticed about him however, was his expression.

Midoriya's face, normally so alight with positivity, was shadowed with something akin to guilty regret, and a sorrowful aura emanated from his slightly slumped shoulders. The broccoli boy's normally dimpled cheeks were streaked with tears, and this was what disturbed Denki most.

Midoriya wasn't one to withhold his emotions, rather, he wore them on his face for all to see without shame. He cried on a daily basis, from happiness, determination, pain, anger, and pretty much everything other than the one thing they were meant for; sadness.

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