20 || Awful Answers

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Asui Tsuyu's POV

This morning's stunt had taken Tsuyu by surprise for sure, but she had figured that the only reason she'd have any right to pry was if matters directly involved her. And considering that Tsuyu herself hadn't been one of the three called out of homeroom to 'talk' with the teachers, she didn't need to play a part in what was happening.

But now, watching as her classmate Y/N was dragged away from her line of sight, Tsuyu came to a decision. She mightn't have had any part in this to begin with, but now that it was effecting her friend she could step in.

That's what being Plus Ultra meant, right? Looking out for those who you cared about, and perusing past the boundaries to find more extreme limits? Pushing 'further beyond,' just like it's literal translation meant? Yes, that was what Tsuyu felt it was to her.

"We need to go see if they're okay!" Exclaimed Ashido from beside Tsuyu's spot, jumping forwards.

"Wait, kero." Tsuyu replied, calling her companion up short. "Think about it. If someone had taken the time out of their day to directly intercept Y/N-Chan, they must have something urgent to discuss with them."

"Yeah...?" Ashido replied, shifting from foot to foot in impatience.

"Something that they wouldn't want to be overheard, kero."

"So?" Ashido said again, not picking up on what Tsuyu was implying.

"So they would've taken them to a spot in the hallway where they'd be able to see and hear people coming well before they arrived to eavesdrop. If we want to know what's going on, we're going to have to sneak around the back way, otherwise-"

"We'll be busted like custard!" Ashido shouted.

"That's not what I was going to say, but close enough I suppose." Tsuyu said as she turned tail and headed back the way they'd just come.

The pair reached the junction they'd previously explored, and turned down it. Doubling back, they came up to where Tsuyu estimated Y/N would have been lead to.

Tsuyu wasn't easily shaken; she had a calm demure and could keep herself thinking rationally even in stressful situations, and considered herself to be steadfast in her beliefs.

However, not even her unwavering attitude could stop Tsuyu being mildly surprised by the sight that met her eyes. There was Y/N, standing with a heavy frown on their face and a storm cloud hanging over their head, being confronted by...Ground Zero?

What on earth would the Villain want with Tsuyu's friend? Creeping slowly closer, Tsuyu managed to decipher some of the words being spoken.

"...Some humans aren't complete assholes, and can respect potential talent!" Y/N growled lowly, sounding ready to go off at any moment.

On that note, Tsuyu noticed that both her peers wore similar looks of heated aggression, and the air of hostility between the two was undeniable. Tension was high, and Tsuyu got the impression that she and Mina were overhearing something that was meant for N/N and Ground Zero's ears only. But, as was often the case, Tsuyu's curiosity dominated her sense of respect.

Sounding more placid now, Y/N continued talking in a more level voice. "Eleven years ago this April twentieth, a boy by the name of Bakugou Katsuki ran away from home. Why?"

Tsuyu stared at the odd pair in front of her as she held her breath, noticing how Gound Zero's uniquely coloured eyes glazed over and his posture slackened. Eventually he spoke up as if waking out of a trance, but the words did less than nothing to help Tsuyu's confusion.

"Because he was not happy, and wanted to find somewhere that people would take off his chains and let him be who he wanted to."

A boy called Bakugou wasn't happy and ran away? Was he perhaps...Someone Y/N and Ground Zero both knew? But eleven years ago? Was it possible...Was it possible that Y/N knew Ground Zero at that time?

Level Zero - Villain!Bakugou RehabilitationWhere stories live. Discover now