22 || Possible Plans

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Yaoyorozu Momo's POV

Momo had just exited the change rooms in her Hero Costume, ready for a double lesson of Basic Heroics with All Might. Standing by herself in front of Ground Beta, their normal group training area, Momo waited patiently for her other classmates to finish getting dressed.

Briefly mulling over a homework assignment she'd been given earlier, Momo zoned out and conjured up hypotheses about what today's session might involve. With U.A.'s Heroing Course anything was possible, and it had become Momo's default thought to expect the unexpected.

An icy breeze whistled through the air, and Momo hugged her arms to her chest as she weighed up whether or not she should make herself something to keep her warm using her Quirk. With a disappointed sigh, Momo rationalised that she should save her stamina for the upcoming double.

A door swung closed behind her, and Momo turned around with a smile to greet whoever had come out. She blinked in shock as a pair of glittering crimson eyes met her own, but kept her faltering smile up as she politely inclined her head towards Ground Zero.

The Villain cocked his own head at her slightly, looking somewhat surprised himself, before nodding back and leaning against a nearby tree. Momo turned to the front once more, uncomfortable at exposing her back to such an accomplished Villain but doing it nonetheless.

This was day three of the transfer, and other than the small scuffle in the cafeteria, Ground Zero had been doing a good job of keeping his hands to himself. So far.

Momo, like most of her peers, had little against her new classmate. The Villain kept his space from everyone for sure, as he was doing to her now, but he was smart enough to keep up with classes. Momo, having been raised with high standards and expectations for both herself and others, respected that.

Though his manners were, well, essentially non-existent, she could accept anyone with an intellect keen enough to keep up with her and her morals. And even if they couldn't, Momo didn't really mind as long as they tried their hardest.

It wasn't as if he'd been brought here for no reason, and Momo frowned upon the people who had been scrutinising their new classmate so heavily. This was a rehabilitation programme if she'd heard correctly, and there was no way that Ground Zero would ever come to accept the rest of 1-A as his equals or friends if they never let him calm down.

If the environment Ground Zero found himself in was hostile and unwelcoming, how could anyone expect him to respond with anything other than a similar attitude? The base of any decent relationship was trust, and the given situation provided very little of it to begin with.

Momo sighed again, clenching her teeth as another gust of wind swept by, chilling her to the very marrow of her bones. Suddenly the sound of footsteps reached her ears, their shoes crunching against the ground heavily in the opposite direction of the change rooms.

Looking upwards curiously, Momo spotted two of her teachers and the Principal of her school. There stood All Might, Nezu, and surprisingly Mr Aizawa as well. Just as she began wondering what they were all doing here before Class 1-A was present the wind shifted direction, bringing the faint sounds of their voices to Momo's notice on a breath of wind.

"...It's a risk we're going to have to take if we want to know what he's capable of. We've got plenty of precautions in place which should assure your students safety, Aizawa. While I admire the intense urge to protect your students you harbour, surely you of all people should be able to see the potential this activity holds."

Level Zero - Villain!Bakugou RehabilitationWhere stories live. Discover now