Chapter 10 - Caught

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!TRIGGER WARNING! there is a small mention of self harm in this chapter, if you are sensitive to that topic please don't read this!

A/N- this is back during eita kidnapped akaashi or whatever

It has been 10 minutes since Akaashi went to the bathroom, and Bokuto was still sitting on the bench, waiting for him not-so patiently. It's been like 10 minutes.. what the hell is he doing? Bokuto looked down at Akaashi's things that were all gathered on the bench. He left his phone here too so I can't call him. "Ugh.." He looked over, and saw someone carring another person out of the bathroom. Since it was so far away, he couldn't tell who the people were. The fuck?

Bokuto got up and quickly, but quietly ran far enough to be able to be sure who the people were. His eyes flew wide open. "Eita is carrying.. Akaashi? Since when was he here..?" He wondered out loud. Then it hit him. Oh my god. Eita better not be harming Akaashi.. I'm pretty sure he was jealous of him. Bokuto started running over to where he thought the two were, but then the moment he was at the bathroom they were gone. "Huh? Where did they go.." Bokuto looked around. They were nowhere to be found. "What the fuck. Is this like magic or something?" He said to himself quietly. "Oh my god oh my god.." He started to panic. "I need to find him quickly.. I know where Eita's house is."

Bokuto went running back to the bench with all of Akaashi's things on it, grabbed them, then literally started sprinting. Unfortunately, Eita's house was pretty far away from Fukurodani. By car, it takes about 20 minutes to get to school. By walking/running, it will take atleast half an hour. Why does his house have to be so far away? Ugh.. Still sprinting across the sidewalk, he continuously looks around for bus stops, but there weren't any. "I just need a bus god damn it.. everyone else is at work and I can't disturb them for this." He muttered to himself.

Kotaro has been running for about 25 minutes now. He has reached his limit long ago, but still managed to be able to run. But now, he was completely out of breath. he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, panting, catching his breath. "Jesus.." He muttered under his breath. He looked up into the distance. He saw the figure of Eita's mansion in the distance. "I'm close." He told himself. I would run over, but my body literally can't handle it anymore. Bokuto admitted. He tried to calm down his heart beats, while walking on the sidewalk again, getting closer to Eita's home.

Once he started feeling more calm, he picked up his pace. The mansion started looking bigger, which obviously meant that he was getting really close. "Why was Akaashi in Eita's arms anyways? Tch.." He whispered to himself while jogging. While he was running on the sidewalk, he was thinking of ways that Akaashi could've passed out or fell asleep. Bokuto could only think of one way. A drug.. His eyes widened. "This guy probably is a yandere or some shit like that." He muttered, jogging slightly faster.

Bokuto's been running for around 5 minutes now, and he's arrived in front of the mansion. There didn't seem to be bodyguards, which was most likely expected when someone lives in an extra-huge house. He looked up. There were security cameras planted everywhere. Okay, sure.. bodyguards might be a little extra, but who needs this many cameras? He thought to himself. "Knowing Eita, he would have used a weak ass drug. One that doesn't kill, since he might be planning on killing Akaashi by himself-" He cut himself off. 

Eita is going to kill Akaashi. His confused face turned back into a worried face. "Shit. Okay.. how to get in without getting caught." Bokuto muttered. He rubbed his chin with his hand, thinking. Since Bokuto wasn't really the imaginative type, he didn't find any ways on how to. Besides like.. digging underground. But, he didn't have any of the tools to do that. Bokuto slumped against the brick, putting all of the bags and items onto the concrete. "Ugh.. this is a pain." He dug his hands into his hair, urging to pull it all out. He let slided his hands out of his now, tangled, hair and wrapped his arms around his legs. Bokuto dug his face into his knees, feeling his eyes slowly close. 

A/N- back to present time

Akaashi walked out of the mansion, trying his best to not laugh at all of the cameras. Who needs this many cameras? Are they really that scared of people breaking in/out? He let out a small chuckle, while pressing a small black button to open the huge gates. While slightly jogging out, he looked over to see a sleeping Bokuto. What the fuck? Why is Bokuto here? He questioned. He slowed down his pace and walked over to the sleeping owl. "Cute." He muttered.

Bokuto's eyes opened slightly, to the feeling of someone tapping his shoulder.

"Wake up." The voice was familar.

Bokuto lifted his head up. His eyes widened. It was Akaashi. "Akaashi? Why are you here?"

"Pfft, I should be the one asking you that." He giggled slightly. "You were sleeping against the wall." Akaashi said.

Bokuto quickly remembered what he came to Eita's home for, and quickly stood up. "Are you okay, Akaashi? What did Eita do to you?!" Bokuto said while grabbing Akaashi's shoulders.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine Bokuto. Don't worry about me." Akaashi said with a comforting smile on his face.

Bokuto realized that Akaashi didn't answer his last question. "Akaashi, what did Eita do to you?" He said, demanding for an answer while tightening his grip on Akaashi's shoulders.

Akaashi winced at the feeling of Bokuto's grip tighening. He just dug deeper into the cuts on his shoulders.

"A-ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.." He took his hands off of Akaashi. "But really, what did Eita do to you? You know you can tell me anything if you feel like it." Bokuto said, with a more quiet, comforting tone.

"Uh.. well he kinda.. stripped me and tried to kill me I guess." Akaashi told Bokuto, with a slight smile on his face.

Bokuto swallowed the lump in his throat. "He tried what?" Bokuto said in a more dangerous tone.

"He just tried to kill me, it's no biggie. He's bad at kidnapping anyways." Akaashi just shrugged it off, while chuckling slightly.

Bokuto, on the other hand, was infuriated.

"That bitch.."



A/N- sorry for the delay on this chapter! i hope you guys enjoyed it though :D eat, sleep, drink, etc! i love you all, happy holidays!

~author-chan (°ㅂ°)

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