Chapter 9: Sleepover.

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Everyone walked over to the living room. Jamie and Rhiannon sat on a couch the twins sat in front of them on the bean bags with the pizza on the coffee table. Ginny and Harry were on the sofa bed and Ron and Hermione were on the other bean bags. There was music on in the background while everyone talked.

" So Rhiannon are you muggle raised like me and kinda like Jamie." Hermione asked. (Jamie is a pure blood but grew up in the muggle world.)

"No, I was raised in a wizard household and been around magic since I was born." Rhiannon answered Hermione's question.

"How come we have never seen you before." Ron asked.

"Well...erm." Rhiannon stuttered.

" I hid her from you guys. You aren't the greatest influence especially these two." Jamie told the group flicking Fred and Georges head.

"Hey,  we are great influences. You were the one who got in trouble. We rarely got caught while you got caught sneaking into our dorms and planning pranks." Fred turned around telling Jamie off.

"Wait you sneaked into there dorm what were you doing Jamie." Ginny said giggling.

"Well not what you are thinking .. Who do you think made all the things for the pranks. These two couldn't even brew a potion properly if they tried." Jamie said back to Ginny.

"Would of been fun if we sneaked around together when we were in Hogwarts." Fred said leaning against Jamie's legs while smirking .

"Get a room." Harry said making everyone laugh.

"Erm Harry not to expose you but you used to sneak around with Ginny." Ron said confronting Harry.

"How did you know." Harry said embarrassed while him and  Ginny were blushing.

"Well when you used to leave at like two in the morning then come back all hot and bothered. It's a bit obvious you were having a make out sesh in the common room." Ron said

"Right stop with the exposing . I don't want people falling out tonight." Jamie said. And the conversation just went back to normal chit chat between people. Rhiannon had settled, She was now sitting with Ginny and was talking with with Ginny , Harry and George. Jamie and Fred were alone on the couch and were snuggled under a blanket. The two of them were just talking and Fred's hand was getting a bit to curious.

"Fred" Jamie said shocked pushing his hand back down her leg. "There are people here." 

"We are under the blanket nobody will notice." Fred replied .

"Yes they will and i'm not comfortable doing shit here while everyone else is in the room." Jamie whispered back to him putting her head on Fred's shoulder. He gave Jamie a kiss and slowly travelled down her neck leaving a little purple mark.

"Later" he whispered seductively in Jamie's ear giving her butterfly's.

"Maybe." Jamie said into Fred ear biting it then giving him a kiss. Jamie had completely forgotten the others in the room but none have then had noticed except Rhiannon who just gave Jamie a smile when she looked at her. Rhiannon always said Jamie and Fred would end up together. As when they were in Hogwarts and Jamie revealed her crush about Fred to Rhiannon. 

When it came to arranging sleeping arrangement it was pretty hard as there was lack of sleeping places. Jamie and Fred would be in Fred's room. Ginny and Harry said they would sleep on the couch as they were pretty small people and would fit. There was a problem with there only being the sofa bed and Georges bed. Ron and Hermione would sleep on the sofa bed but that left George and Rhiannon in George's room but Jamie didn't know if  Rhiannon was comfortable sleeping in George's room with George.

"Rhi, you alright with staying with George. I know it's kind of awkward but I will be across the hall and these guys will most properly be making out so I would stay out the living room." Jamie said to Rhiannon making everyone laugh. 

"Will I be alright with George?" Rhiannon questioned.

"If your not comfortable with me in the bed I can sleep on the floor. If I was in the bed I will stay on my side. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." George said butting into the girls conversation.

" No. It's alright i'm sure George will be alright. Better than staying in the living room with the couples." Rhiannon said making Jamie giggle.

Jamie helped Hermione make the sofa bed and gave harry and Ginny some blankets. After that she went to get ready for bed, Jamie took Rhiannon in the bathroom with her and told her that George is completely fine and if she ever feels worried she can come over to Fred's room but not in the next couple of hours, she gave Rhiannon a cheeky wink. Jamie took Rhiannon to Georges room and sat in there for a while as everyone else was getting ready for bed. Rhiannon got into Georges bed and as soon as her head touched the pillow she fell asleep. Rhiannon was really tired as she had come back on Christmas eve from travelling. Jamie headed towards Fred's  room knowing what was coming next and she couldn't wait. Jamie opened the door and Fred was not in the room. Jamie was so confused so she got changed and got into bed waiting for Fred. 

5 minuets later Fred came in wet from the shower. His towel hung on his hips. Fred walked over to the bed and climbed on top of Jamie. His hand in Jamie's hair Jamie's hands in his, They  started to passionately make out. Fred's hand make there way down to Jamie's shorts and he pulls them of. Quickly Fred cast the Muffliato  spell on the room.

"You want to do this ." Fred asked you.

"Yes , i'm ready." Jamie had been waiting a long time for this.

Jamie pulled Fred's towel off and exposed his erection. Fred pulled down Jamie's underwear revealing her wetness. Fred's hands start to slowly circle Jamie's clit making her more sensitive to the touch he also had two fingers pumping in and out of Jamie.

"Fred " Jamie moaned loudly.

"You better be ready" Fred replied to the moan. 

Next thing  Jamie knew Fred was slowly entering her. Jamie winced in pain as it was her first time. "You alright. " Fred asked. 

"Yer just keep going." Jamie told him and he did. After a couple of thrusts the pain was barley noticeable and Jamie was stating to enjoy it. The small moans coming from Fred's mouth told Jamie Fred was enjoying it. Fred picked up the pace making them moan together. Fred kissed Jamie hard and after a few more thrusts Jamie could feel herself reaching climax. Fred moved his hand done to Jamie's clit and circled it while he was thrusting in and out of her. Jamie was about to come. Fred did two more hard thrust and Jamie came loudly moaning Fred's name, Fred doing the same back. He slowly pulled out of Jamie and sat beside her while they both tried to recover.

"Wow" Jamie said.

"Wow indeed and it gets better with time." Fred said suggesting that there time together will get better.

Once the two of them had caught there breaths they started to tidy up. Jamie had bled a little but Fred said it was normal. He cast a spell to tidy the bed wile Jamie cast a spell Hermione had taught her about birth control. Once the room was tidy Fred and Jamie both put there Pj's on and cuddled together in bed before they fell asleep in each others arms.  Jamie was a very happy girl and couldn't have been any happier with who she lost her virginity to. That night Jamie was so relaxed she fell into a deep sleep.

(A/N :thanks for reading this chapter. I tried to make the 'spice' a bit realistic for a persons first  time. Thanks for reading)

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One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora