Chapter 26: Twins Birthday.

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(T/W: Sexual content including male pleasure)

It was the first of April meaning it was Fred and Georges birthday. I had gotten their gifts while they were at work so none of them would see what I had gotten. Me and Rhiannon had planned with Molly to have a surprise party at the Burrow as Jamie's and Rhiannon's place was to small. 

Jamie woke up to just herself in the apartment meaning Rhiannon must have gone round to the twins place to see George. Jamie got up showered and go dressed into some comfy clothes as she was helping Molly set up the burrow for the party. She made sure to pack a bag with her outfit and make up also the twins gifts. Before leaving Jamie wrote a note to Rhiannon saying she has left for the burrow just in case she came back home. Jamie then took the floo network to the burrow.


She walked out the fire to be greeted by Molly hugging and kissing her. Jamie could see the others sat at the table in the dining room all smiling and talking to one another. Even Bill and Fleur had come round to celebrate their brothers birthday even Ginny was off of school and had come home for the Easter holiday. Jamie and Molly walked into the kitchen where everyone was eating and Jamie sat down next to Hermione. 

"Hi." Ginny said excited as she hadn't seen Jamie in ages.

"Hi Gin. How are you." Jamie said back to Ginny.

"Really good. It's nice to be home. I only have one term left at Hogwarts." She smiled.

"You alright boys." Jamie said to Bill, Harry and Ron.

"I'm alright." Ron said stuffing his face with food.

"I'm good Jamie thanks for asking." Bill said as she smiled.

"I'm really good. Especially because Ginny's home." Harry said with a big smile. 

Molly gave Jamie some breakfast it was her favourite Molly had made porridge. Jamie ate the food quick and then helped Molly clean up. 

People were arranged in groups to do things. Molly and Ginny were making the food. Bill, Fleur and Ron went out to get the booze. Jamie, Harry and Hermione was in charge of decorations and sorting out the place as soon as Rhiannon hadn't turned up. 

Harry was blowing up balloons while chatting to Hermione on the couch. Jamie owled Rhiannon presuming she was at the twins place.


When I woke up this morning you were not at home so I presume you are with George. I'm at the Burrow with the others. Don't bother coming now keep the twins busy. Get dressed up for the party and tell the twins we are going clubbing so they don't get suspicious. I will get the floo network to the twins place when we are ready and everyone has arrived (Around 7pm ). Don't let the boys see this letter 



Jamie handed  Pigwidgeon the letter and helped Harry blow up the balloons. After all the balloons were up Jamie and Harry used magic to make them float in the air. The pair also used magic to hang banners. Jamie wished she had a birthday party for her birthday but she was at work but when work was over her and the twins did manage to go clubbing for a couple of hours before they all got to tired and came home. Jamie's birthday was in early December so it was before her and Fred were together. However at that time they did flirt a lot. When the burrow was decorate Harry , Hermione and Jamie all sat on the couch chatting to each other. 

"I can't wait for tonight." Jamie said to the others.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Iv'e not drank in ages." Jamie said.

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ