Chapter 58- Your Time

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Everything was dark, but only for a moment as you opened your eyes. You were surrounded by fuzzy white and fluffy clouds, laying down on your side. Shifting in place, you struggled to sit up. You felt oddly sore. Looking around, you searched for a reason you were here, and where you were in the first place. You stood, wearing a white toga with golden lining. It was incredibly comfortable. Turning, your eyes scanned the spacious cloudy void, searching for someone, anyone. The last person you'd expect to come to your rescue had arrived, leaving you frozen in place.

It was her. Your mother.

She wore a gentle smile as she tread among the clouds in a graceful dance, appearing in front of you hurriedly. You stared up at her face, unable to tell if you were dreaming or not. "Hello, my darling child." She smiled with a bittersweet feeling, and you found your words had been stuck in your throat. Your hands trembled as they trailed upwards, cupping her cheeks. She giggled, taking your hands and holding them delicately. You missed that laugh. "M-Mom?" She smiled wider. "Yep. It's me, Y/n." You let out a sob, throwing your arms around her and latching on tightly, never wanting to let go. She hugged back, just as tight. You wailed and sobbed, crocodile tears running down your face in massive waterfalls. Your legs gave way underneath you, the two of you collapsing to the ground and holding one another in a crying pile. It took you some time to realize that she was crying too. After some time, She pulled away, holding your face in her hands. She touched her forehead to yours, tears running down both of your faces as she let out a gleeful sob, and you let out a broken and teary laugh. "You're here. You're really here, in front of me." She drew her head away from yours to nod, and look into your eyes. She peppered your face with kisses, and you giggled from the contact. You missed her. When she finished, you held onto her again, sniffling. "I missed you, so, so much." She held your head in a hug of its own, sniffling and still crying a bit as well. "I missed you too. But as much as I want to sit here and cuddle, we have much to talk about before you leave." You immediately sat up to face her. "What? Leave? Why would I be leaving?" Her gaze saddened. "Darling, you're 15 years old- nearly 16, and you're in the afterlife. It's too soon for you to be here, y/n." Your eyes widened for a moment in realization, but it was so obvious it didn't last long. "Oh... How long do I get?" Your mother looked off to the side, appearing to be disappointed and depressed by the fact you were going to have to leave as well. "I would guess somewhere between a few minutes and an hour." You nodded. "Okay, um-" You shifted, sitting so that you faced her directly as you held her hands. "-what do you need to tell me then."

She smiled softly, happy that you weren't fighting the reality of the situation. "Well, I know everything that's happened, so I want to start from the beginning. And.." She looked up to you, tears brimming her eyes again. "Oh- I'm so, sorry." Your brows creased in concern. "Why? What are you sorry for?" She sniffed, gentle tears falling down her face. "Your father. I never knew he would become so-" She held her hand up, wiping her tears as she tried to think of a word. "-Distraught? Cruel? Just- bad. I never expected him to go down such a horrible path." She didn't feel her words did justice for the way she felt, but she hoped her emotions were conveyed well enough. "You don't have to forgive him, or me, for what he put you through, but-" You cut her off, shaking your head. "No, it's okay. Well- no, it's not okay, actually. It's just- it's over now and there's nothing that can be done about it now. I can't forgive him for what he did, but I can try to move past it and live my life." Your mother smiled at your words, rubbing your shoulder and arm lovingly. "Oh, you're such a wise child. I'm so glad you've come so far." You smiled back, squeezing her other hand in your lap. "Thank you." Her smile faded. "But onto the more serious matters. About my past." You perked up. "You're a mercenary?" She nodded. "Yes, but I want to explain everything to you.

"I was a mercenary. My family- your family- on my side, they were all mercenaries. A lot of us underwent bioengineering and genetic manipulating procedures to increase our abilities. Some of us bred with other well trained mercenaries or military members, or really anyone with high capabilities in a battle. Our code-names always had to do with our birthstone, same thing goes for the colors we wear. That's what we were known for. When it comes to Spy... you remember those stories I told you about a man with a mask?" It took you a moment, but you were able to remember, and you nodded. "Yeah, well those stories are true stories. I knew Miss Pauling as well. We were close, but Spy and I were partners in crime, which is a rarity since our family line is often known for working alone. But then, I realized I was being tracked. I told Spy and Pauling not to look for me if I disappeared. I tried to disappear myself, but somehow that band of mercenaries found me. The Harbingers was what they were called. They captured me, and I became their precious little weapon. They used me, and at one point I ended up being pit against the mercenaires that you're with now. And I came face to face with Spy. I almost killed him..." She trailed off, but seemed to remember herself. "But I'm getting sidetracked. They used me, and eventually I got fed up and ran. I had to erase myself off the face of Earth to get away with it. It was around a year after that I met your father, and then we got married and had you. But, when you were around 7 or 8, they found me again. Influenza- the one with the surgeons scrub- allowed me to make my death last a year, so I could make our time last." You blinked, looking up at her as you realized something. "That's why that last year was filled with so much fun stuff- like the big parties and theme parks!" She nodded, laughing somewhat. "Yeah! But, uh, then I... passed. And you know the rest." The mood shifted to have a downcast atmosphere. You looked down to her hands and your own, holding them tightly.

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