Chapter 16- Going Shooting

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Only a few minutes passed when Spy had to excuse himself. He claimed that he had business to attend to, but the way he said it felt as if it was more than just 'business'. But there wasn't much you could say about it, and you didn't know what else to do, so you just sat there, still puffy and sniffling as you wiped away your remaining tears. Your mind was blank as you stared into nothingness, when eventually you were snapped out of it as the doors to the medbay opened, and out walked Scout and Sniper. Scout looked apologetic and rubbed the back of his neck before saying anything. "Hey- uh- kiddo, I just wanted to say sorry for yellin' at ya. It's just- sometimes Spy is just so-" His expression merged into that of anger as he clenched his fists, but quickly calmed down and sighed. "Y'know?" You nodded and wiped your eyes. "Y-Yea, it's fine, I get it." Scout still looked somewhat guilty, but he didn't seem to know what else to say so, he left without another word. Sniper, on the other hand, was still nervously standing there, trying to figure out the best opportunity to speak. "Eh- Roo, I know you're torn up about all this, so I was thinkin' maybe we could do something to take your mind off it?" He spoke carefully, not wanting to upset you. You fidgeted with your hands as you looked up at him with a curious look on your face. "Like what?" Sniper sat next to you, clasping his hands together. "Well, what usually works for me is shooting. It'll kinda be training for ya too, but it's only target practice, so you won't have to worry about hurting anyone." He crouched down, trying to meet your eyes with a soft and encouraging expression. "How's that sound?" You shrugged and forced a small smile onto your face. "I don't see why not." He smiled and patted your back softly, getting up. "That's the spirit!"

The two of you made your way over to the shooting range, Sniper leading the way as you ambled along behind him. The room was made up primarily of concrete, and its structure was spacious and lengthy to make room for the weapons, along with the actual shooting range. Sniper picked up some ammo for the sniper rifle that sat on his back, along with a pistol and some ammo for it. "Let's start ya off with something simple. Take this." He gave the pistol to you, which you took and held in your hands, getting used to its weight. While you were looking down at the pistol, Sniper had grabbed some noise-canceling headphones and a pair of safety glasses from one of the racks, wrapping a pair of headphones around his neck and giving the other pair, along with the glasses, to you. "These are here so that when you shoot, you don't go deaf, or shoot your eye out. So I recommend wearing 'em." You nodded with a blank expression, wrapping the headphones around your neck as you put the glasses on. He was taken aback slightly when seeing how neutral and blank your face was and chuckled to try and laugh it off. "I'm just messin' with ya! No need to be so serious, alright? This isn't so much a training session, as it is a pastime- or a hobby!" You nodded again, still looking downcast. Your mood still had yet to go away, and Sniper's initial goal was to take your mind off of things, but now his new mission was to make your bad mood go away, or at the very least make you laugh. He pursed his lips, taking you to the actual shooting range. "So, to give me somewhere to start, what do you know?" You shrugged. "Nothing, really. I've never shot a gun before." Sniper was surprised momentarily, but understood. It wouldn't be easy for a kid to get their hands on a gun, or even know how to use one. "Alroight then, loading a pistol, let's start with that. It's simple enough. First, you take out the clip, and to do that you just need to press this button and pull it out." He pointed to a small button on the grip that was just behind the trigger. "In this case, this clip is already full, so we won't be needing to get a new one." He gestured for your pistol, to which you complied as he took the pistol and demonstrated the process of releasing the magazine from the gun, before pressing the clip back into the pistol and handing it back to you. He gave you an encouraging smile. "Now you try." You took the pistol and did what he had, pressing the button and sliding the clip free, before putting the clip back into the pistol and clicking it into place. Sniper smiled like a proud parent, making you smile slightly as well. "Spot on! Now then, to actually load it, you simply pull back the slide until it clicks,-" He gestured to the entire top of the gun, which seemed to be the slide. "-and then release." You did as you were told, going to grasp the slide and pull it back. It took some effort, but you were able to pull the slide back until it clicked, and you then released it, sending it flying back to its original position. The sudden movement made you flinch slightly, but you awkwardly laughed it off.

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