Chapter 43- Something Odd

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Time passed. When the mercenaires came from their meeting, they acted as if nothing had happened. Heavy brought you to work out with him, and you guys didn't talk about your failsafe at all. The two of you simply did what you were supposed to, which was for you to exercise while he trained you. None of the mercenaires really changed or acknowledged what had happened, or even uttered anything having to do with your failsafe at all, which you were pretty happy about. The only thing you really noticed was Demo being a lot more mindful of your personal space, along with not having a bottle of liquor out when he was around you, and overall he went out of his way to be extremely nice to you. At first, it was nice, but after a little while you had to ask him to calm it down a little, saying that you'd forgiven him when it came to that mess of an occurrence. Even if you felt like the whole event between you and him with your failsafe was your fault, you knew that there was some guilt provoking his actions. So, you wanted to tell him it was okay once and for all, in hopes it would help him feel a little better.

It was one late afternoon that you ended up running into him while he was relaxing in the rec room, and you noticed the way he tensed when you sat next to him. You laid back, watching the television to see that he had put on a cartoon, but it wasn't one you recognized. You watched with a somewhat bored expression, waiting to see if you staying silent provoked a reaction. If it didn't you would have initiated the conversation anyway, but he did end up speaking as you had planned. "S-So, Riddy, what do ye want to watch? I could change the channel fer ye if ya want me to." After a moment of silence as you looked at him, you sighed. "Let me just-" You interrupted Demo's sentence as you shifted so that you faced him, crossing your legs. "Demo, why are you being so... nice?" Demo frowned somewhat, an anxious smile on his face. "Am I not allowed to be nice to ye?" You shook your head. "No, you are, it's just- with how you're going so out of your way to do stuff for me, it makes me a little... upset, I guess." Demo stared at you, a tad confused looking as he didnt say a word, so you continued. "Just-" You took in a deep breath. "Please just go back to being your normal self around me! I mean, the whole 'not having alcohol out around me' thing is nice, but I don't like how- off- you're acting." Demo pursed his lips, his eyes being drawn to the ground as he sighed. "I'm sorry, Riddy. I guess a part of me can't help but feel a bit bad about what happened. The whole thing just feels like my fault." You blinked, brows turned upward. "Demo- no. No, it's not your fault." Demo shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I don't think you'll be able to un-convince me of this one." You bit the inside of your cheek, glancing off to the side. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I forgive you." Demo looked up to you, surprise ridden as a soft smile then spread across his face, looking thankful. "Thank ye Riddy, that- actually helps a lot. More than you'd ever know." You gave him a smile, happy you were able to help. He then got up and stretched, patting your head as he headed for the hallway, telling you he had to go meet with Engie about something.

Either way, you telling Demo that you had forgiven him seemed to lift a weight off his shoulders, and he started to become much more relaxed and calm from then on. He still made sure to keep the liquor away though. But besides that, none of the mercenaires brought up or mentioned anything about what had happened or your failsafe. Not even Spy or Medic, which was a little surprising. You were really grateful for them all putting it aside so easily, since if anyone had it would likely be uncomfortable for everyone involved. So, more time passed, and things began to become more comfortable. Minutes turned to hours. Hours turned to days. Days to weeks. And so on.

Even so, with things beginning to become normal, something just has to come around and spice up your life. With the mercenaires you lived with, normality was an extremely temporary thing.


"Ahhh, finally, dinner time."

You skipped towards the kitchen, stomach rumbling with the need for food. You didn't know what would be for dinner that night, but whatever it was smelled entirely delectable. Peeking into the kitchen, you posed the question to everyone in the room. "What's for dinner? Whatever it is, it smells-" You blinked a few times, realizing no one was there. Confusion welled up within you as you frowned, looking to your watch as you checked the time. That's odd. We always have dinner right around now. You wandered into the kitchen, searching for clues to find out what had happened to the mercenaries when you saw a pot with a paper towel over it, and a note next to it. The smell came from the pot, which brought you some comfort, but then you took a good look at the note. It was written in a messy chicken scratch, implying that whoever wrote it was in a hurry. Picking it up, you squinted down at the words as you tried to decipher the text.

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