Small Fluff: Christmas Cuddles

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Artist: "Well then, I'm off!"

Y/N: "Later alligator"

Kass: "In awhile crocodile"

Emma: "Ugh you guys are beyond lame! But see you Artist"

She flashed him her signature which is honestly a surprise considering she rarely gives it to any of us. I guess being stuck with us for so long has really caused us to grow on her. I can tell she doesn't like the thought of being without us

Emma: "I know what you're thinking. Don't flatter yourself Y/N. It's nothing like that I'll just miss you guys a little that's all I miss a lot of people!"

Y/N: "Y'know when I first met you I thought you were gonna be the "sweet and loving shy girl" of our team..."

A sinster grin crosses my face as I turn and walk my way over to her and Kass sighs knowing what's about to come next

Y/N: "But it turns out... You're just a sweet tsundere aren't you? Yes you are! A sweet tsundere who loves her team!"

I pick her up and hug her swinging her around all while she yells at me to put her down not before long I receive a knee to the stomach knocking the wind out of me

Y/N: "W-Why?!"

Emma: "I told you too put me down"

Both Kass and Artist laugh at us before helping me up

Kass: "So what are you gonna do Y/N?"

Y/N: "Eh? Well my sisters are staying here so I figured I might as well too. Although if Pyrrha decides to go home today and wants me to go so I can meet her family I'll probably go with her to meet her parents or whatever"

Emma: "Meet her parents? Doesn't that intimidate you at all?"

Emma questions

Y/N: "Oh no, don't get me wrong it absolutely petrifies me. Like c'mon how could I not be scared to meet the people who had a hand in creating the most wonder,loving, beautiful,sweet girl on remnant? But if she would want me too I'd have no choice"

Artist: "You really love that girl huh?"

Y/N: "She's worth dying for"

Emma: "That was cheesy Y/N... But really sweet she's lucky to have you"

Y/N: "Thank you"

Kass: "So is this it?"

Y/N: "Stop acting like we'll never see each other again you'll all only be gone for like a week or two"

Kass: "Yeah but still"

Artist: "We should get going"

Emma and Kass: "Yeah we should"

And with that we all grouped up and hugged and I waved my team off and once they left eye sight I went back into our dorm and sat down and sighed

Y/N: "Hm. Without them this place seems way more empty..."

And with that I left the room and went to JNPR'S dorm and knocked the door swings open and I'm met with Nora Valkyrie and Ren

Nora: "Hi Y/N Merry Christmas!"

Y/N: "Yo. Merry Christmas"

Ren: "I assume you're here for Pyrrha?"

Y/N: "Heh you know it. Is she here?"

Pyrrha: "She is!"

Pyrrha walks from around the corner and instantly hugs me and I of course return the hug

Y/N: "Sooo... Would you wanna come to my dorm and y'know Watch movies?"

Pyrrha: "Of Course!"

And with that we waved Ren and Nora goodbye but not without Nora saying something about young love and we walked back to my dorm.

As we arrived I shut the door and turned back to her

Y/N: "What movie would you wanna watch?"

Pyrrha: "The Grinch?"

Y/N: "I didn't take you for a cartoon movie fan honestly"

Pyrrha: "Oh! I've alway's loved them I loved watching on Christmas nights although I watched them alone most the time..."

Y/N: "Well, you have someone to watch them with now!"

Pyrrha: "Who?"

Y/N: (Blinks twice)

Pyrrha: "I'm kidding I promise!"

Y/N: "Actually that reminds me of something!"

I reached under my bed and handed her a small wrapped boxed

Y/N: "I'm awful at wrapping presents so sorry about that"

Pyrrha: "That's okay you did good! But wait I didn't get you anything I'm so sorry..."

She lets her head drop clearly upset with herself at not getting me anything but I softly grab the side of her face and lift it up so she's making eye contact with me

Y/N: "Don't feel bad okay? It's fine I assure you it is. Just open your gift"

Pyrrha feeling a little bit better opens up the terribly wrapped gift and almost instantly gasps once she opens the small box

Pyrrha: "You didn't have to get me this"

Y/N: "Oh but I did"

I had gotten her a Ruby necklace with the first letter of my first name in the middle of it

Y/N: "Now I'll be with you for sure every where you go!"

I give her a goofy, bright smile

Pyrrha: "How much did this cost?"

Y/N: "Enough. Don't worry about it your worth it! Try it on!"

She gets it on and it fits perfectly. Thank Oum if it was too small I'd probably kill myself the jeweler said no refunds.

Y/N: "Do you like it?"

Pyrrha cups my cheek and kisses me deeply on the lips I return the kiss (Duh) and to my disappointment she pulls away due to the need of oxygen and softly rest her forehead on mine. But she gives me her gorgeous smile and it makes my heart flutter

Pyrrha: "I love it"

Y/N: "And I love you"

Pyrrha: "I love you too"

The two of us kiss one more time before I start the movie. Pyrrha lets her hair down as her and I sit down on my bed and wrap my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me

Honestly nothing beats Christmas Cuddles

A/N: Happy Holiday's everyone hope everything is going well

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