Sparring Match (Chapter 9)

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I wake up with a yawn and stretch my arms out I turn to my left only to be met with a obvious absence of two of my three teammates; said teammates being both Artist and Kass

Y/N: "Emma do you know where Artist and Kass went too?"

Emma: (Pain muffled by her pillow that's in her face)

Y/N: "I don't speak pillow sorry"

She lets out a groan and slighty lifts her head up just enough so I could hear he clearly

Emma: "I dunno I think theres a note on Kasses bed"

Y/N: "Ugh"

I roll off my bed and maneuver my way to her bed and grab the previously mentioned note that read:

Okay so Artist made me write this I'm going into town for some tea and Artist went out to exercise or whatever we'll be back sooner or later

I throw the note back on the bed well I try at least the paper floats back onto my face until I blow it off

Emma: "What'd it say?"

Y/N: "In summary; Kass went to go drink tea in Artist when to go get buff"

Emma: "Whatever"

Soon her head crashes dowm onto her pillow unbeknownst to her I was standing up on my bed and in one leap I jump onto her causing her to scream as I land on her

Y/N: "What are we doing today?!"


Y/N: "No, I don't think I will"

She lets out a loud groan and screams into her pillow before finally managing to roll over causing us to be side by side on her bed

Emma: "I think I'm gonna spend the day resting. Something tells me I won't get to do a lot of that as the Vytal Festival is soon"

Y/N: "Yeah... I'm excited for that! We'll surprise the world!"

Emma: "What?"

Y/N: "We'll surprise the world! We'll show them just how strong we are!"

She giggles at my enthusiasm and I sit up as I start to get out the bed

Emma: "Where are you going?"

Y/N: "I think I'm gonna get dresses and go into town"

Emma: "Hm? Why? It's still pretty early"

Y/N: "Yeah, but I still wanna get out a little bit of fresh air never hurt anyone"

Emma: "Yeah I guess"

Y/N: "Hey Emma."

Emma: "Yes?"

Y/N: "I know this is random but, you're not just teammate you're my friend okay? And I love you okay?"

I look back behind me and shoot her a huge closed eyed smile and she turns her head with a red face she finally gets out:

Emma: "S-Shut U-up that's embarrassing!"

I laugh and grab my gear and walk into the bathroom but before I close the door I hear her quietly and softly mumble

Emma: "I love you too..."

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