Win hesitantly lets go of his brother, and in a spur of seconds, Toptap is already in front of Off and Bright. The brothers stood up from their seats and were about to greet Toptap when he spoke.

"I will not beat around the bush. I don't need your greetings. You can leave now. I don't want any of you to go near my brother again. Especially Mew." Toptap said as he looked directly into Off and Bright's eyes.

"I promised P'Mew to take care of Gulf in his absence. I won't leave unless I make sure that Gulf is fine." Bright said, which made Toptap throw glares at him.

"You don't need to do it. I don't care what you promised your brother. I can take care of my brother. Stay out of our lives." Just that, and Toptap left.

Win slowly went to the brothers. "I'm sorry for what I did earlier. I also want to apologize for what my brother did..."

"Mayuree!!!" Win just bit his lip and closed his eyes as Toptap called him. He placed his hands in front of him, with palms facing together, and bowed before he left.

Off and Bright just sighed. They looked at each other before finally exiting the emergency room.


Gulf was already transferred back to his room. He also regained consciousness a while ago, but the doctor decided to inject him with a sedative, as he suddenly stood up and pulled the dextrose out of his hand the moment he regained consciousness. He's currently asleep. Toptap and Win are sitting on the couch at the corner of the room when a faint knock on the door breaks the silence. Win stood up to open the door, and two doctors came in. Win greeted them, and Top stood up from the couch and went in their direction.

"Are you the guardian of the patient?" The first doctor asked. This doctor seems to be in his early 30s already.

Toptap nodded. "Yes. I'm his brother."

"Test results show that your brother's physical health is good. His anemia is not that bad anymore. His condition is improving..." Toptap smiled upon hearing this. But his smile quickly faded when the doctor spoke again.

"...but his mental health is not. He's not in a good condition. He is suffering from too much stress."

Toptap licked his lower lip as he contemplated what the doctor had just said. "What... what can we do to help him alleviate the stress? Does he need to see a psychiatrist?"

"That's an option. But it is recommended."

Toptap nodded. He still has to talk this over with Gulf since he's the one who will be seeing the specialist. The doctors checked Gulf's dextrose flow and gave Toptap instructions for Gulf's medications. The entire time that they were talking, he noticed the second doctor taking down notes. The second doctor might be an intern. He thanked them as they went out of the room.

"You know P', that younger doctor kind of looks familiar to me," Win said as he tried to remember exactly where he saw the doctor or if he knew someone who looked like him.

Toptap faced Win and just shrugged his shoulders. "It's the first time that I saw him. So, it's impossible that he's someone our family knows."

Win agreed. Then, he faced his P' again. "Aren't we going to tell Mom what happened to P'Gulf?"

Toptap was taken aback for a moment. Since their parents got divorced, only the three of them lived together. Their dad remarried and migrated outside Thailand. Also, their mom remarried and started her own family. Their mom wanted them to live with her, but they refused and insisted that the three of them would live together instead. Their mom hesitated at first since when the divorce happened, Gulf was just 16 years old, and Win was 15 years old. Toptap is the only one of legal age, but he is still in his senior year in high school. 

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