Chapter Thirty-one

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Mew woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He reached the bedside table for his phone and answered the call.

<Phone line>

"Hello?" Mew sleepily answered the call.

"Get down here now. Your daughter's already looking for you." The voice on the other line said. When Mew checked his phone if who the caller was, it was his brother- Off.

"Okay, P'. We'll be down in a moment." Mew said, but his voice still sounded so sleepy. He heard Off laugh from the other line.


"You sound so tired. Did you hit it off the roof?"


Off laughed one more time, before turning serious. "Alright. Just get down here. Suda's looking for you since we got here."

Just that, and Off disconnected the call. Mew turned to Gulf who was still asleep and hugged him.

"Love, get up now. Suda's already looking for us."

Gulf turned to Mew and reached for his head, before caressing his hair. "Hmmm..."

Mew kissed Gulf on his lips before he pulled him up from the bed. The couple got dressed and went down to the house. Once they were downstairs, Suda spotted them and ran to them.

"Papa, Daddy!"

When their daughter reached them, she hugged Gulf's leg. Gulf lifted her and kissed her cheek.

"Did you have fun playing with Uncle Win, honey?" Gulf asked his daughter, who excitedly nodded.

"Yes, papa. Uncle Win also gave me lots of toys."

Gulf smiled. His daughter will surely be spoiled by his brothers.

"Uncle Off also brought me to the mall earlier and bought me lots of clothes. Also, Uncle Bright bought me a phone..."

Gulf's mouth was left agape, same with Mew. They then turned to Bright, who also looked at them.

"What?" Bright asked while looking at the couple.

"Tell me you did not..." Mew said while looking at his brother.

"Why? She needs it." Bright nonchalantly said.

Mew and Gulf just shook their heads. Just then, they noticed a bag that Suda was wearing. Gulf took a good look at it and was shocked when he realized that it was a branded bag.

"Honey, where did you get this?" Gulf asked Suda while looking at the bag she was wearing.

"Uncle Saint bought it for me. I have inside the bag the phone that Uncle Bright bought for me."

Gulf opened the bag and saw the latest model of an iPhone.

"What the hell?" Gulf thought to himself. When he turned to Mew, he just heaved a sigh.

Their daughter is already so spoiled by their siblings. They need to talk to them about it so that Suda won't grow up thinking that material things are important.

"Did you say thank you to them, baby?" Mew asked his daughter.

"Yes, daddy." Mew nodded upon hearing their daughter's reply.

"Daddy, can I give some of it to my friends in Trang? They might also like some clothes and toys that I have."

Mew and Gulf looked at each other and smiled. Their daughter is so pure.

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