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Calypso POV

"Hurry up Kenneth! We're gonna be late!" I whined

"Jeez Calypso it's just gardening. We're just gonna plant something, relax." He replied.

"Well I happen to like gardening so let's go!" I pestered him.

"Okay fine." He relented walking faster to keep up to me.

The class was outside in the school garden.

Today we're going to plant orchids. They are such beautiful plants.

As a gift from Hephaestus, he gave me a garden exactly like the one on my island. I can never thank him enough.

"Hello class, please get your tools in the tool shed so we can start." said Mrs Raye

We went in and got out spades and pots.

"Everyone you can start planting now. Remember, you gave to do well for this is going to grade your final examination." She reprimanded us.

I got to work immediately.

Since I worked with plants for as long as I can remember, they kinda respond to me. When I walk by, they would normally reach out towards me.

I was done in five minutes.

"How are you so fast?" asked Kenneth incredulously

I shrugged in reply.

Suddenly, I heard a crash that came from the tool shed.

A hellhound was digging through it.

It looked to towards my direction and barred it's teeth.

The mortals started screaming for help and running away.

It started towards me.

On no!

The plants!

It ain't gonna hurt my plants on my watch!

I took out my dagger and charged.

In ten minutes, it was reduced to dust.

Yeah that's right!

No one messes with the plants!

I turned around to see all the mortals staring at me in fear, awe and some other emotions I didn't get.

"I'm Calypso, yeah the one that was stuck on the island. Keyword was. I'll be going back now. See yah mortals."

I turned around and walked out of school, making my way to camp.

Hey guys so did ya like it? Yeah I know that this isn't according to the Blood of Olympus but I ain't gonna give any spoilers. So who do you want me to do next? I'm running out of people!

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