Will Solace

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Wills POV

I can't believe we have to go to school. With mortals. Why is the gods so cruel? I mean I can handle getting hunted by monsters but this is different. It's school. Where you actually have to worry about passing exams. Luckily Malcolm taught me some stuff but that doesn't mean it's enough.

I miss so many things. I miss my archery. Camp. Archery. Oh an I can't forget Nico. I wish he was here. Even just seeing him in the morning will make my day. Now I have do deal with girls asking me out everyday. Too bad for them cuz I've got my bae.

"Hey Will do you want to go to the movies today" asked another girl

"I'm sorry but I'm taken" I said

"It's alright" she replied

"Hey I'm sorry but maybe you could ask someone else. You seem like a really nice girl" I said. Yeah I'm nice and I won't be a total jerk rejecting people

"Thanks" she replied blushing

"So can we be friends?" I asked

"Sure. I'd love that" she replied cheerily

-time lapse to a few weeks-

Turns out that girls name is Bridget and we became best friends. We are so close I even told her about Nico. She's now dating a friend of mine, Hank

"Will hurry up or we're gonna be late for Homeroom" said Bridget

"Coming" I replied

Suddenly our Homeroom teacher walked through the door from his classroom and turned into a dracenae. Hades.

People screamed and I. Got out my bow and arrows. I got I yo my battle stance but suddenly the dracenae lunged and grabbed my bow.

No one touches the bow.

I grabbed my dagger and killed if with one strike.

Everyone stared at me in awe and a little bit of fear.

"Will Solace, Son of Apollo. I fought in the second Titan and Giant war. I am a hero of Olympus." I said

I turned to my friends and said "Guys I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys. Keep in touch" I asked. Oh yea Leo and Annabeth made a monster proof phone for demigods so we can talk to each other. Pigheaded best part is, it has unlimited memory and free internet!!!

"Alright" they replied

I turned around and made my way back to camp. Ah I just can't wait to see Nico. Hey I think I see him! He's walking out of McDonalds!!!

"Neeks wait up" I called

Guys I'm soooo sorry I didn't update. I'll try. Try to update more

Mortals Meet DemigodsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora