Nico di Angelo

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Nico POV

Ugh I hate school. Why did the mist have to disappear? Now the stupid mortals think that I'm some weak emo kid. If only they knew who I really am. They wouldn't dare pick on a son of Hades!

"Hey loser" said a stupid mortal, Mark Jones. I hate him with passion.

"I heard your dad left. Probably your fault." It's alright just a stupid mortal

"Heard your sister and moms dead too. I'm pretty sure you killed them you pathetic little weakling" that's it no one talks about my family like that no one does and I mean it

I turned around and gave them a deathly glare " Listen up you puny mortal " I spat

"One, my mum and sister was murdered by my uncle and my dad left cause he had too! Do you know who I really am?

I am Nico di Angelo the son of Hades! I fought in the Titan and giant war ! I sent the Athena Parthenos back and restored peace within the Greek and roman camps ! I have done more than you ever will or can do!" I shouted at them

Then I summoned some skeletal soldiers just to scare them and shadow travelled back to camp satisfied with the mortals terrified faces. Maybe school won't be so bad after all I thought with a smirk.

Mortals Meet DemigodsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora