‘Fucking bitch.’ He hissed under his breath, knowing what that over-emotional girl had done. After 20 minutes hiding behind the car, just to be safe, he gets up and enters his flat. He tidied everything, packed anything that belonged to him or Jeremiah. He knew it was a matter of time before the police came around for questioning. He would not let Elisha fuck this up for him.

In less than 7 minutes, he was already driving away from his flat, cogs turning in his head as he tried to think of what to do. All he knew was that he had to find Elisha, or she would fuck up everything.


‘Just come and see me for a bit, we can chill.’ He says lowly into the phone.

‘Kaine you know I have a man. I aint gonna go to boys houses.’ He rolled his eyes at her voice. She was such acting so stubborn.

‘On a real b, we will actually just chill. Netflix or suttin.’ He stresses. She went silent for a while. ‘Plus, I swear your man is out with his boys? You might as well come chill with a sexy ting like me.’ She giggles and sighs.

‘Fine, I’ll be there in like 2 hours. Send me your address.’

‘Cool b, ina bit.’ Kaine hung up and smiled widely. He knew this was the last part he would have to play for a while, as everything would unwind itself after this. After texting her the address, he had a shower.

In an hour, she was at the door. He kissed his teeth at how eager she was and then planted a smile on his face, opening the door.

‘Hey.’ She waved shyly.

‘Come in b.’ He says pulling her in by her wrist. After getting comfortable, they sat in on his bed whilst she picked a movie.

‘So, how’s life?’ He asked her as the beginning of the film started to play.

‘Fine I guess.’ She shrugs.

‘What about your friend? The one you’re having problems with? Jayda?’

‘How do you know her name?’ She asked suspisciously.

‘You mentioned it before.’ Kaine’s lies rolled smoothly off his tongue, his expression never faltering.

‘Oh. It’s fine I guess. She’s like my sister, I’m not going to ruin our friendship because she’s having problems of her own.’

‘True. But she should care about you as well innit. From the sounds of it, she seems infatuated with her man. I don’t like girls like that.’ Kaine shook his head.

‘She’s not. She’s a calm girl.’

‘Truss me, I know girls. She sounds like of them ones that only care about man. Like she’ll chat to you, but only when she’s not with her man or suttin.’ Kaine continued to infect her mind. He could see the effect he words were having on her and smiled in accomplishment. They both went silent as the movie began.

Kaine moved closer, until he was directly next to her.

‘What are you doing, you creep?’ She giggles.

‘Nothing. So talk to me. Are you a virgin?’

‘Nah.’ She replies confidently. He chuckles and nods.

‘You ever given head?’

‘Nope.’ Kaine nods as he eyes her up.

‘You’ve got the perfect lips for giving blows uno.’

‘I’ve been told.’ She rolls her eyes. ‘My boyfriend tells me all the time.’

‘So when did you lose your V? To your man?’

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