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"Wow i can't believe HE'S Louis' boyfriend." Niall was muttering as he, Liam and Harry walked the twisting path deep into the woods. He kept carding his fingers through his faux blonde hair and moaning about Louis' new boyfriend.

"Niall, leave it," Liam sighs, his eyes fixed on his feet as they walked, "neither of us are happy"

Seeing as they all had relationship problems Harry decided to speak up.

"Guys i was so sure that Ed was the only person for me but now...
....Obama just, I don't know..." He blushed.

"We know you guys have a whole lot of history, Harry, but Ed loves you" Liam told him.

"But, I DONT KNOW IF I LOVE ED!" He slapped his hand over his mouth in shock. Harry knew as soon as it came out of his mouth that he regretted it, he loved Ed, so much..

"Harry!" Niall exclaimed, shocked over what his best friend just said. His blue orbs searching in Harry's emerald eyes for any hint that what he just said was true.

"I-" Harry started.

He was cut off by another voice "WHAT?!?"

"Oh god" Liam breathed.

"Was that...." Harry whispered.

Ed came walking from behind a bush, "YOU TOLD ME YOU LOVED ME! YOU PROMISED."

Harry winced

Edward's words were fierce but his eyes shone with tears threatening to fall. "THE MOON AND THE STARS! YOU LIED"

"Ed- Ed calm down, I do love you...
just listen, I have an idea...."

A/N thanks for reading :) love you all

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