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Harry ran up to the Cullen household and strolled in. There sat Obama, Niall, Justin Bieber and Liam. They waved him over so Harry went and sat with them.

"Hi guys" he greeted them.

"Harry, good to see you mate" Liam nodded at him.

"So, Is it true?" Obama asked, jealousy burned in his eyes.

"Yes. I've made my choice Barack, just like you made yours."

"You know i regret it Harold." Harry was about to bite back at him but Niall interrupted.

"Right..." He chuckled trying to break the tension "Haz it's great to hear that i get to annoy you for the rest of time."

"Thanks Niall" Harry deadpans "right i gotta go" he jumped to his feet, "where's Ed?"

"Ugh" Obama rolls his eyes, "like I'd tell you"

"BARACK. we broke up a long time ago! I LOVE ED." Harry snaps, even though he wasn't sure Ed was the only man he loved...

"I STILL LOVE YOU HARRY!" Obama screamed, frightening Harry.

"you- you still love me?" Harry thought he was the only one...

"obVioUslY." A new voice said from the open front door, Louis poked his head in, grinning, his hair was short and styled into a swirl at the front of his head.

"Louis!" Justin shouted "Thank god you're here."

"Hiya niall, just visiting with my boyfriend" Louis glowed with pride when he mentioned his new lover.

"Boyfriend???" everyone asked simultaneously

Louis glanced around nervously "uhhhmm yeah... do you want to meet him?"

"not really." Liam said quietly obviously not expecting to be overheard.

"Liam..." Niall hissed "He's moved on."

"Ahem, well yeah, come on in." Louis said and ushered his new partner through the door.

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