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Dabi's p.o.v

The rest of winter break consisted of me spending time with my siblings and paying frequent visits to my mom. I haven't to spoken to Keigo at all since the last time we saw each other, which was pretty awkward. I don't know if he still had interest in me or if I'm supposed to ask him out or something.

I mean that's how it works right? We kiss and we're together? Or does one of us have to ask for consent? Maybe Keigo just doesn't want a serious relationship right now and I'm overthinking it. Should I invite him over? I miss him an abnormal amount and we haven't even talked.

Alas, I can't find it in myself to give the initiative and end up meeting him on the move-in day before classes begin. I hop on the elevator with all of my bags and before the door closed a figure appeared in front of me.


My eyes widened as I saw the blonde boy fit his large wings and luggage through the same room as I was.

"K-Keigo-I mean Hawks"

"Keigo is fine if you're the one saying it"

"Same... here"

"Where were you all this time?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why didn't you text back?"

Text him back? What? "You called me?" I asked as baffled as he was and he just gave me a laugh. "For a second I thought you didn't wanna hear about me anymore. Yeah, I did text you and call you a couple of times" He told me and I immediately apologized for my actions. The truth was that I was barely on my phone because I kept myself so busy. Keigo seemed to have understood my situation and shrugged it off, we were back to normal.

He offers to set up my room and I let him, giving us time to catch up and whatnot. He told me that he didn't do much except fly around hang out with Jin and Rumi. I, in exchange, told about how the tension between my father and I hadn't lessened, but he's trying to be more gentle towards Shoto, which was definitely progress. At the end of the setup, and once my room was finally filled with my belongings, he put his hands on his hips and looked at me.

"Wanna go watch a movie or something in my room?"

Oh no. Was he asking me on a date? Me? In his room? How would I react? What if somebody sees me? Perhaps he's planning a movie night with his friends, so I'm not the only one. Oh fuck, say something, you idiot!

"Ah~ sorry for asking, see you around then"

"Wait-that's not it"

"Get some rest, yeah?"

I see an emotionless Keigo take off and leave my room. The silence he left was now haunting my dorm room and I felt so bad. Touya you idiot! Why couldn't you just say yes! You obviously like him. I froze. And now he thinks I don't want anything to do with him.

I try to find a way to calm myself, so I grab one of my new books I picked up during my break and plugged in my earphones. I hoped that if I submerged myself enough in these books, I'll forget about what happened.

"fly" // dabihawksWhere stories live. Discover now