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Hawks p.o.v

I stare at the same messages over and over, my heart beating at a ridiculous pace. It hurt so much, not having you here. I didn't want Touya to keep hurting me with his words, even though it's my fault we're like this in the first place.

My whole day is spent stuck in my bed, full of darkness, and trying to fall asleep for eternity. Should I answer him? Maybe this time we can really work it out? Could it be too late for us? Maybe if I just sucked it up in the given time I would see a little more of his life, if I had just waited. I fucked up. Perhaps I'm the problem.

These thoughts only made me bury my face into my pillow more as time went on, the days eating my soul, not knowing what to do. In all honesty, I was terrified of coming back to school because of him. I wouldn't know how to react now that I can't talk to him. I was so attached to him it was practically dangerous, I had grown dependent on him.

Knock knock.

I freeze at the sounds and my body has never felt so heavy as I walked over to see who it was.

"Keigo? Please tell me you're there! I can't do this anymore! It's breaking my heart"

The shaky voice that I recognized so easily pierced my soul. Did he come all the way here.. for me?

"Keigo? Give me a sign if you're in there, any at all! I don't wanna leave things like this anymore"


"I don't give a fuck if you're there or not, but if you just happen to be, hear me out"


"You were right, I was a fool to not introduce you to my family from the start, it wasn't fair. I'm sorry and I'll spend the rest of my life repaying you for making these past few months the best of my life"


"Expressing my feelings has never been easy for me because I grew up in a restrictive home and I would get punished for it. Which speaking of family, I don't want you to feel alone anymore, so from now on, if we make it out of this fight, I will be your home, your family"

Tears streamed down my face and onto the floor as I fell down. I covered my mouth as best as I could so he wouldn't hear me. This is way out of character for me. I've never heard Touya open up like this either, not even during our short relationship.

"I guess I should stop talking alone like an idiot, maybe you're not even here. You bastard! Making me walk miles away from campus when you're supposed to be in your dorm, it's so like you, Kei"


"Hehe... well enough of that, I needed to get it out of my system, even if nobody is in there. I'm gonna fail finals because of all this too, I could use one of your studying sessions you know..."


"Well, goodbye then"

As soon as the sound of his footsteps stop I let go and cry out in grief. He came all the here, knowing I might not be here, but he still talked. He is the one, I know that now. I should be spending this time coming back instead of crying, how stupid of me.

And so I decided to come back. 

(author's note: yes I am updating supa fast, its bc I alr have a good idea for the end and I wanna write it before I change my mind HAHAHHAHAHA also I wanna start my next dabihawks story which is gonna be quite the ride lol)

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