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Third person's p.o.v

It was the boys' first Christmas together, and they had planned their usual 'Visits Week' with a special twist. Visits Week was the time of the month where the couple would dedicate their 7 days to visiting each other's relatives. On the second Tuesdays, they would visit Keigo's father at the usual hour, and the weekend was spent at the Todoroki's household and at the psychiatric ward, where Touya's mother was staying. This time it was no different, except they would be arriving with gifts.

"Baby I swear to god you have to stop buying better gifts than me! You're making me look bad!"

"Oh quiet Kei, I just have an exquisite taste"

"Dad barely looked at what I got him, he spent the whole time looking at the cool shoes you got him!"

"Shut up and give me a kiss~"

Keigo stopped nagging and pulled him into a deep kiss in front of the snowing streets where everyone could see. He noticed a nervous Touya was in his arms now.

"What's wrong? You wanted a kiss didn't you?"

"Let's get a move on or my dad isn't gonna leave us any food"

"Shit! I don't want poor Enji to get upset with me"

"Don't worry, it probably won't be as bad as the time he caught us in my bedroom"

He covers his face in embarrassment as he remembers that horrifying memory. Touya grabs his hands and keeps walking. Once they finally arrive at Dabi's house, they are quickly greeted by his siblings and his father, who seems to be in a lively mood. Since Hawks began to visit them, Enji has been less cruel to his family, which in turn warmed Touya's heart deeply. They exchanged gifts, ate, and soon left for their next destination.

"Kei, you know you didn't have to get ALL of my brothers and sister a gift right?"

"Yes, I did"

"What did you get my mom then?"

"You'll have to see an find out"

"Probably won't be better than mine"

"Oh please"

It's already nighttime, but the lively couple continues to make their way into the hospital, where they are greeted by the staff. They enter the room and quickly see Touya's mother sitting in her chair. "Keigo!" She cried out and hugged him, that's right, Hawks was her favorite, it made Touya laugh and also get a lil jealous. After exchanging presents, only the blonde boy remained to give his gift to the mother. He was almost nervous, but Dabi calms him down by hooking his hand on his shoulder.

She opens the bag and gasps. It was a picture frame of the three of them, taken the first day he came. "Keigo dear you didn't have to! It's beautiful" She says and hugs him.

"She loved your gift"

A tired Touya takes off his clothes and goes into pajamas, Keigo waiting for him in bed. They were basically staying in Hawks' empty apartment, which made it all the better.

"It was just something I've been wanting to get her for a while"

"Well it stole my heart"

"I thought I stole your heart a long time ago?"

They both laughed and Touya crawled onto the bed and into his boyfriend's arms.

"Hey Kei?"

"Yes baby?"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

(author's note: and with that i close this fic :000 tysm for the support i didnt think anyone was gonna read it all oop. i hope yall liked it and happy holidays! btw the next story is coming soon so watch out for that :pppp)

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