Ava Bekker Rhodes

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A year later
June 29th

Haileys POV
Ava's pregnancy was going by fast she was on bed rest so during me, Kim and Vanessa's lunch break we would go visit her. She was supposed to have twins but she miscarried the baby boy.

Ava- hey

Hailey- not happy today

Ava- dying with pain and everything I eat comes up

Hailey- what did Natalie say

Ava- C Section

Hailey- least you get a girl

Ava- *smiles*

We laid down next to her in the bed I started rubbing her back hoping it would relive some of the pain. A couple minutes later she sat up and started pressing on her stomach and wincing in pain. I sat behind her and she leaned back and put her head on my shoulder I started rubbing her stomach making some of the pain go away. When my lunch break was over I told V and Kim to go without me then I called Jay.

Jay- Hey baby

Hailey- Ima take rest of the day off

Jay- why we was going sit in the office and cuddle...
Hailey we were going cuddle

Hailey- *laughs* I know but Ava isn't doing any better

Jay- fine tell her I said hey

Hailey- duly noted

Jay- see you later love you

Hailey- I love you to *hangs phone up*

Ava- go back to work Hails I be fi.. *gasp in pain*

Hailey- Ava

Ava- *cries*

Hailey- breath Av

Ava- the pain

Hailey- I know it hurts Ava and I know you wanna give up Av but your baby girl needs you

She sate up and leaned over put her head in front of her. I heard Natalie come in she came into the room and sat next to Ava.

Natalie- Ava baby

Hailey- bad day

Ava- C.. Conn.. Connor

Natalie- you sent him to make up with his sister his in LA

Ava- *cries*

Natalie- want me to call him

Ava- please

Connor- Natalie

Natalie- You busy

Connor- in the car on the way to my sisters hotel why

Natalie- Talk to Ava

Connor- put it on speaker...... Baby

Ava- Connor

Connor- yeah it's me

Ava- how long

Connor- me and Brayson will back tomorrow evening

Ava- promise

Connor- I promise I'm coming back home tomorrow

Brayson- mommy

Ava- hey bubba

Brayson- I coming back home and I can sleep with you

Ava- yes you can

Brayson- and we eat all the ice cream

Ava- yes we can eat all the ice cream

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