Good Byes.

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Kim- Take care of her Jay. We taught you everything you need to take care of her so you should be good and Jay take care of yourself.
Jay- I will. You take care of yourself and if Adam does something stupid you have to call Kevin I'm not going be here to kick his ass but when I get back I will I promise.
Kim- I will. Your spots will be waiting
Jay- Keep them open. We'll be at a new district working as a detectives but we'll make sure we don't get attached
Adam- You better man. I'll miss y'all take care of yourself and you better not do anything stupid
Jay- I won't I promise. We'll miss y'all to
Kevin- Don't get use to living without us Molly's won't be the same without y'all
Jay- We'll make sure we remember all the moments with y'all and Molly's will be alright with our us.
Vanessa- The bullpen won't be the same without y'all the laughs won't be as loud the Jokes won't be as funny and personally I'll miss the little fights we all have with you and Hailey. But I might take your mug Hailey
Hailey- Longs when I come back it's mine again you can have it.
Vanessa- Alright
Haileys POV
I hugged Kim first
Kim- I'll miss you babe
Hailey- I'll miss you to babe. Don't you dare let Kynn forget who I am
Kim- I won't I promise
Then I hugged Adam
Adam- Take care of yourself Hailey we'll catch the people who did this as fast as possible
Hailey- I know y'all will this is the best team in Chicago
Adam- Damn Right
Adam- Big Brother any where you are even if you can't contact I'm here.
Hailey- I know you always are
I hugged Kevin next
Kevin- Ima miss you girl
Hailey- Ima miss you to Kev
Kevin- You know I'm a better Big brother then Adam right and I'm always here if anything happens just break the rule and contact me and I'll kick Jays ass
Hailey- I know you will Kev. Adams here so you can't be bragging
Kevin- Oh yeah but me you and I know I'm better then him
Adam- Kevin I'm right here
Next I hug Vanessa who looked like she wanted to break down
Vanessa- I'm going miss you Baby
Hailey- Ima miss you to but I'll be back so don't get to sad
Vanessa- I'll try not to
After I hugged Easton and Kynndallon they left and me and Jay went upstairs washed and went to sleep. I woke up at 3am I knew nat said I would be sore but I didn't know this much and. We keep a throw up bucket beside the bed cause my nausea was worse at night. I got up and took my feet off the bed and grabbed the bucket i started throwing up I didn't wanna wake Jay up he said his shoulder was hurting a little but my back pain was getting worse it was like I was reliving the moment in that building. When I finally stopped throwing up I laid back in bed I couldn't go to sleep so I just laid there in pain I keep twisting but nothing worked I ended up sitting up with my feet off the bed my head in my lap leaning over helped a bunch. I heard Jay wake up he came and sat beside me and rubbed my back. It helped a lot we laid back down and Jay continued rubbing my back until I fell asleep. When I woke up Jay was already dressed I went and got dressed who my Jay loaded our stuff into the truck. Jay said he could drive so he drove his truck and I drove my Jeep. I played music I talked to the girls I had to stop a few times from car sickness Jay stopped when I did. When arrived at the address Voight gave us we brought our bags upstairs and then somebody rang the doorbell nobody was suppose to know who was out here so Jay grabbed his gun and put it behind him before he opened the door.
Jay- Who is it
Jessica- Sargent Voight sent us
Jay opened the door to find 3 Women and 2 Men standing outside with cookies.
Drake- Jay Halstead Hailey Upton put the guns down.
Kara- 5021 George 5021 Henry
Jay- Our radio codes
Hailey- Babe hand me the gun Sarge just doesn't give out or Radio Codes
Jay- Fine it felt good holding it again and not being the one shot
Hailey- Ignore him. How do you know our Sargent
Landon- We are member of the unit Jays joining
Jay- Come in
Hailey- What are your names
Landon- I'm Detective Landon Chavis
Jessica- Detective Jessica Chavis
Jay- Are y'all married
Landon- Yeah 3 years
Melissa- Detective Melissa Lowery
Kara- Detective Kara Hester
Drake- Detective Drake Diaz
Jay- Jay Halstead
Hailey- Hailey Upton
Drake- Your not working with us why
Hailey- I'm pregnant with twins
Jessica- Congrats I'm guessing your the father
Jay- Yeah I hope I am
Hailey- Really Jay why say something so stupid
Kara- Your Sargent said it's hard to get y'all to open up so his team mailed us a list of things to do some of them sound more like threats
Jay- Can I see that
Hailey- Don't take our team members and keep them if you do I'll track y'all down and fuss you out myself- Adam
Jay- If one of them gets hurt in the field I'll come and deal with you myself and it won't be pretty plus my Sargent is Hank Voight he taught me how to clean up blood very well- Kim
Hailey- Hailey is my Baby and Jay is like a brother sabotage their careers or do anything stupid I'll track you down and beat the hell out of you- Vanessa
Jay- I'll go down fighting for Hailey and Jay they have done so much and gave up so much for this unit don't y'all dare fuck up their careers or get one of them hurt I'll kill y'all they'll never find y'all.
Hailey- Dear Hailey and Jay if you read this we are over protective of y'all and we can't be sorry for that. We love y'all and miss y'all.
Jay- They are kinda over protective just ignore those threats
Landon- Thats going be hard
Kara- They don't seem to know your out of work
Hailey- They don't know
Kara- Oh
Haileys POV
We got to know Jays new team mates they are funny and sarcastic they remind me of the unit back home. After they left we washed and laid down Jay started work in 2 days which would leave me home alone till he got home so I have to find something to do but right now I was really happy laying next to Jay I didn't feel sick I felt good we laid there till we fell asleep

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