Life with a baby.

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Jay's POV 

I left at 6 Hailey had just got done breast feeding Rylie and went back to sleep. I was getting off at 11:45. I moved my 4 week old daughter to the bed laid her on Haileys arm then went to work. 

Haileys POV

I got up at 8 and fed the baby and went back to sleep. The kids came and got in the bed with me at 10 when I was breast feeding Riley. They fell asleep at 11 so decided to go back to sleep.

Jay's POV 

When I got home the house was quiet I went upstairs and found Hailey and the kids in the bed sleep.I got beside Hailey and fell asleep. When I woke up it was 12:30 and they were still sleep the baby had woke up so I picked her up and went downstairs. Hailey came down she looked very sleepy when Riley saw her she started crying.

Hailey- I'm coming Riley

Hailey- I'm a food maker and it's killing me. My breast hurt sometimes my body aches I fell ill *cries*. It's time for her to eat again

Jay- Here you go

Hailey- If i doze off and she is done then just take her and burp her please don't wake me babe

Jay- I won't 

Hailey- She was asleep all night I did wake up and feed her but when 8:00 hit I felt some body's arm hit mine and I woke up. She just stared at me with a smile 

Jay- how about you pump tonight and when she wakes up to eat I can feed her

Hailey- really

Jay- yeah I have tomorrow off and you need sleep 

Hailey- I miss sleep

Jay- I know baby

Hailey- She is so precious but she's stealing my sleep my energy my life. I can't go back to work *cries* I'm stuck in this house breastfeeding 

Jay- Baby come here

Hailey- I would come but my boob is occupied

Jay- I'll come down there

Hailey- okay

Jay's POV

20 minutes later Hailey was asleep. The kids had woke up they came down stairs and sat beside me. When Riley quit eating I picked her up and pulled Hailey's bra up. I took the baby to her room and closed the door. I came back downstair and sat Hailey on my lap. She liked sleeping on my lap cause I would massage wherever she was aching at. Skylar put a blanket over us and sat back down. 

Paisley- I'm gonna play outside

Jay- K baby girl

I could tell something was off with Paisley but I didn't know what. I took Hailey upstair to the bed and headed outside where Paisley was. She was kicking the soccer ball against the house. 

Paisley- Oh I'm sorry did I wake her

Jay- no your good. Can I play

Paisley- Yeah 

I started kicking the ball away from her. She ran after me trying to get it. She finally was laughing and smiling which she had only done when she was playing sports or playing with her older siblings. That's when I knew what was wrong. She was spending a lot of time in me and haileys room. When the baby got hungry and hailey started feeding her Paisley would lay her head on hailey's lap. Hailey has been busy with the baby Paisley was feeling left out. 

Jay- Baby girl come here 

Paisley- Yeah

I picked her up and sat down sitting her on my lap.

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