The Symptoms Get Worse.

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*This Story is short I'm time lapsing her pregnancy*

6 months pregnant.!
Hailey POV
Every since we found out the genders of the babies Jay has been begging me to let me know which one he gets to name he was so excited to pick out names.

Flash Back........
Natalie- Hailey we are here
Hailey- I'm upstairs
Natalie- Y'all are still in bed
Sylvie- Beds are comfy
Hailey- Tell me Sylvie
Sylvie- it's a girl
Hailey- I can see a Mini Sylvie Brett.
Casey- A mini Matthew Casey you meant
Natalie- Come in
Connor- Who won
Natalie- I don't know let's see. Perfectly healthy little....
Hailey- I'm not a doctor I don't know how to read this screen spit it out
Natalie- Baby A is a girl and Baby B is a boy
Sylvie- Told y'all
Natalie- I'm seeing something guys
Hailey- What Natalie Halstead
Will- I see it to
Ava- Man she's going be surprised
Connor- Natalie is that what I think it is
Natalie- Yeah
Sylvie- I wanna see
Stella- Yeah we know how to use these machines
Sylvie- *laughs* didn't see that coming at all
Stella- Jay what were you doing the night of her birthday man
Hailey- What's going on
Natalie- Look at the screen. Your not pregnant with twins your pregnant with triplets. Baby C is a girl
Hailey- What did you see Natalie
Will-  It's not Halstead Twins it's Halstead Triplets
Jay- How
Casey- Do your really need us to explain how you made babies Jay
Natalie- Baby C was hiding
Hailey- Jay Halstead you made triplets in 1 night what the hell It took Nat and Will couple years to make 3 kids you made 3 in 1 night
Jay- Yeah I got the good genes not surprised
Hailey- Triplets um wow that's more to prepare for
Hailey- I'm going puke *walks to the bathroom*
Sylvie- Pay up we didn't know they were triplets so bets still on
Casey- Fine who won
Natalie- Me, Sylvie and Connor
Casey- Ima be broke
Natalie- You said 2 girls
Jay- There are 2 girls
Will- Nah we bet on Baby A and Baby B ain't nobody know about Baby C
Jay- Don't tell my daughter nobody ain't know about her
Kelly- She's going to have to know someday
Hailey- Don't y'all dare tell my daughter she wasn't thought about
.......Flash Back over

Haileys POV
My stomach had grew a lot over 6 months I couldn't stand for long periods of time without getting tired or my back hurting I stayed on the bed most of the day which I wasn't use to. Right now I was laying down and Jay was massaging my feet. Baby A licks the most and Baby C loves to move. Jay loves to call them Baby Girl and  .crafty BabyGirl 2 and Baby Boy
Hailey- Oh my gosh that hurt. You daughters better do sports or something
Jay- Your face says it all babe
Hailey- Jay this isn't funny her kicks hurt. Then your other baby girl be doing flips I'm not a trampoline.
He came over an started rubbing my stomach.
Jay- Let's take you mind off of it. What about names
Hailey- Fine I get our go son you get the older daughter and we come together on the baby of the family.
Jay- Okay. What about our unit back home
Hailey- with what's happened I wanna keep them far away from work but I don't know
Jay- How about we see how we feel when we go back home.
Hailey- Yeah I could do that.
Hailey POV
I thought the began of pregnancy was bad but this trimester was really bad especially with 3 babies there was good days but morning sickness got worse and now I snore Jay says it's not loud but he tries and makes me feel better about myself so he might be lying. The back aches didn't get better they just got worse. I have many sleepless nights trying to get comfortable  we bought a pillow it helps sometimes. Right now I'm laying my head on Jays chest trying to get comfy.
Since this is just our safe house till we go back home we didn't wanna decorate we just set up a 2 nursery's 1 for the girls and the other for baby boy.

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