And I Thought This Day Couldn't Get Any Worse..

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Hailey- Hello
Layla- Hailey we put the kids down for naps they were exhausted when we got downstairs they door was open suddenly Bailey fell I looked down at her then I was hit in the head we were only out 7 minutes but the kids are gone
Hailey- *gasp in pain* I'll be there in a little don't call anyone
Jay- Who was it Hailey
Hailey- ummm Layla
Kim- Kynn is missing
Vanessa- Babe EJ is gone happened about 7 minutes ago
Natalie- Thats not a coincidence
Will- Malia we would finish but we have had 3 family emergencies
Malia- It's fine is Hailey alright
Will- It depends on how this turns out
Allison- Bye Leeyah Bye Malia
Haileys POV
Sylvie, Casey, Nat and Will followed us home Stella, Kelly went with Kev and V. Ava and Connor followed Kim and Adam home Owen, Makenna and Allison were sitting in Owens car. I ran inside to see stuff everywhere Layla and Bailey had cuts and bruises on their faces.
Jay- Are y'all alright
Layla- Heads hurts but yeah
Bailey- Dizzy
Natalie- Let's get y'all cleaned up
Hailey- Oh my god
Sylvie- Zay had to fight back he wouldn't leave his toys everywhere he always cleans up
Will- Paisley didn't go down without fighting look at her Softball and soccer ball equipment
Jay- Who the hell breaks into somebody houses
Hailey- Skye must of had to hear something she drew a picture before it
Jay- She didn't take her nap she was drawing she hates naps
Hailey- Scary noises. Mama and Daddy are coming to save us
Jay- Exactly what we are going to
Allison- Aunt Hailey something was in your mailbox and Aunt Kim and them are here
Jay- Ain't the way I wanted then to find out. Let's go downstairs
Hailey- What was in the mail box
Owen- A picture of the unit of y'all then a note
Kim- We got a picture of the unit then me you and Vanessa
Hailey- I thought your Unit was a family I thought it was built on trust on truth you don't tell the truth I kill your kids they are 3 beautiful kids by the way
Kim- Mine says. Truth is what your are made of then tell her the truth and you'll get your kids back she deserves to know your her best friend
Vanessa- Mine says don't mess it up with this family they really love you it's up to you to hold them together if you do that EJ is all yours
Jay- What the hell does this mean
Casey- Someone has been watching you for a long time
Hailey- And I thought keeping my kids away from work was the right thing seems it's the reason their gone
Vanessa- You have kids Hailey
Hailey- Yeah how about we talk about everything at the bull pen just I can't be here while my kids are out there
Jay- I'll call Voight meet all of you their
We headed to the bull pen when we got up their Voight was putting pictures on a board it was the unit some of my kids on there was something else the news.
News- Somebody just called us saying 5 kids are missing their parents are Intelligences Units members. That unit has helped Chicago so much we are praying they can get their kids back safely it's the least they deserve for everything they have did.
Hailey- Turn it off. Where did these pictures come from
Voight- They were mailed here
Allison- I remember these moments
Voight- That can help go ahead
Allison- This one is when Aunt Hailey took us on a girls trip and Skye made me trip
Owen- That ones when we were leaving my game
Makenna- Thats are 1 day beach trip it's when me and the triplets bonded and that's there soccer game me and Owen took them
Natalie- Thats the day Pais told me she wanted to be a doctor like me I was excited
Sylvie- When i showed them the ambulance
Kelly- we showed them the fire house trucks
Jay- Father and son day we do it every year
Hailey- Mother's Day our 1st one in the city. Christmas and Thanksgiving them playing at the park. That's when we took family pictures. Okay flip this we know we are being stalked we don't need to see
Jay- The letters
Kevin- yeah try doing what they say
Adam- How's the person suppose to know that we did it if we are in her
Kevin- Man no need to raise voices
Adam- I need to breath
Hailey- Everybody Shut The Fuck Up no need to be on sides our kids are in danger and we need to find them cause none of us wanna lose a kid this isn't the time to be on sides we gotta find them. I need to breath
Haileys POV
I walked into the break room closed the door and bent over the sink all that I was think about was my kids Tears started rolling down my face all I could do was watch them fall into the sink Sylvie and Natalie walked in and and pulled my arm they ended up hugging me.
Hailey- I can't lose my babies
Natalie- you won't Hailey
Kim and Vanessa walked in Nat and Sylvie walked out. We sat down on the couch I laid my head on Kim's shoulder Vanessa just looked at me.
Kim- We are gonna find them Hailey
Hailey- Yeah I know it's just is it going be alive
Kim- Yeah it is
Hailey- V talk to me please
Vanessa- I'm trying to soak all this in
Hailey- Just know I cried myself to sleep thinking about your reactions
Vanessa- It's just a lot.
They boys walked in and stuck out their hands.
Adam- Let's go find our baby girl
Kevin- Vanessa EJ needs us to be looking for us
Jay- Babe ready to go be our kids hero
Hailey- Let's go
Voight- This team it's a family so y'all's gonna go in public in case the person is watching
Allison- This note has a name in it
Jay- let me see *calls the number* * KN- Kidnapper*
KN- Looks like y'all found the number
Jay- Take off that stupid mask
Kevin- Where are our kids
KN- There here and safe they are getting to know the real y'all
Adam- What do you mean
KN- I've been watching y'all and listening to y'all their watching their parents threaten people hurt people
Kim- Leave them alone they are innocent kids
KN- Tell each other the truth I like your Unit and if y'all keep going down this path then I am going to have kill 1 every hour you wait 1 kid gets hurt starting with this pretty blond Skylar right
Hailey- Get away from my daughter
KN- I'm not going hurt them. You dad is
Hailey- My dad was at the restaurant when this happened
Michael- Hey Baby girl it felt good touching you again
KN- i brought a special guest for each of you let see for Kim your ex boyfriend went rogue he's not a DA anymore
Kim- Matt
KN- Vanessa I bailed somebody out just to meet you
Vanessa- Luis
Luis- Hey V beautiful son
Vanessa- Luis don't do this he didn't put you behind bars he doesn't even know you
Luis- You didn't even tell your son about the
boy who helped you through foster care
Vanessa- Leave him alone Luis he's a child
KN- See if you don't fix your unit your kids pay the price
Hailey- You really bought a pedophile near kids because we didn't tell our unit that we have triplets they are 6 years old and we have been married for 4 years
Vanessa- Wait what Hailey
KN- Kim your turn
Kim- What happened was not my fault I didn't know
KN- Tell her Kim
Hailey- What is he talking about
KN- Adam do you wanna do it
Adam- Damn it. When we were dating Kim was 4 weeks pregnant but 3 weeks later she miscarried
Hailey- You had sex with me knowing you had a child on the way with my best friend
Adam- You were secretly in love with Jay and Jay was secretly in love with you
Kim- Give us are children back
KN- I just wanted to draw you apart I have your children cause you took my son away
Jay- Pulpo
Pulpo- I cut a deal with the DA I'm out but can't see my son because of y'all
Jay- Michael Upton take your hand out of my daughter shirt
Michael- She looks like Hailey as a little girl
Jay- I swear to god you touch them I'll make you life hell
Michael- Hailey you gotta tuff one
Hailey- What do you want
Michael- You Hailey come be a Upton again
Hailey- You let them go I'll do whatever you want
Jay- Hailey we can get them back
Hailey- Jay look at me that man will give them nightmares he will make you wanna die I'm not letting my little girls go through that he won't touch Kynn cause she's has no Upton in her he won't touch Zay or EJ cause they can't give him nothing but Skye and Pais it's like he has me all to himself again but double. Like I said in the car I'll give up my life for my kids
Kim- Hailey we can get them back without losing you
Hailey- Those kids are my life I put my life on the line for this city it's time I do it for my kids. Send me the address I'll come 3 minutes before they do then they'll come and get the kids
Pulpo- Kim and Vanessa comes with
Hailey- That wasn't the deal I come or deals off and we'll find y'all the way we usually find pricks like y'all
Michael- Hey Skye right can I take this off
Skylar- Mama says that only comes off during bath time or when I'm changing
Michael- I'm your grandfather
Xzavier- No your not my grandfather is Papa Hank
Skylar- Leave me alone
Easton- Hey your Skye right
Skylar- Yeah
Easton- I'm EJ I'm 7 years old your mom is Aunt Hailey
Skylar- Yeah get always from me scary man
Easton- Hey Skye grab my hand okay
Skylar- Okay
Easton- When your scared just squeeze it
Jay- Is your son flirting Kev
Kevin- He's good at getting girl at 7
Michael- I'm going take this off *takes Skye shirt off*
Hailey- Leave her the fuck alone
Michael- Her skin is soft like yours
Hailey- I know this routine omg he's going kiss her
Jay- The hell. Adam where are you at
Adam- I can't track them
Jay- What the hell is the Address Pulpo. I'll go you
wanna hurt people take me. Your taking a Husband, Father, Uncle, Brother I brung this people together so take me
Jay- *phone dings*
Pulpo- There you go but your team stays 5 minutes behind you *call ends*
Voight- Suit up. Hailey and Kim stay together and you 3 look for the kids we aren't leaving there without a team member.
Will- Jay you won't live if you get shot 1 more time
Allison- He won't what
Jay- I promise y'all I'll make it back.
Hailey- Hook this Jay
Jay- Here your truck keys.
Kim- Let's go Hailey
Vanessa- Kev, Adam speed up
Haileys POV
We had to wait 5 minutes so we sat it the trucks.
Kim- Triplets
Hailey- Huh. Oh yeah it was suppose to be twins but Pais was hiding
Kim- 2 girls and a boy handful
Hailey- Yeah I wouldn't trade it for anything. Kim say it
Kim- Hails you had a good reason. I can't holler or be angry at you
Hailey- I know your thinking I thought I knew her better then anybody but I broke our promise to trust each other and tell the truth
Kim- Hailey you were protecting your children. But the marriage part
Hailey- I wasn't ready to bring my children close to anything at work and I knew if we had a ceremony I would have to we went to a court house instead
Kim- You have 6 years to catch me up on. Vanessa might take it harder she looked forward to all that stuff.
Hailey- Yeah I might get pregnant again so y'all can live it with me
Kim- I wouldn't complain
Hailey- Uhh Kim
Kim- I know Adam I didn't know y'all were dating till I walked in I was mad at him so I just worked instead of having to look at him and the shift went wrong
Hailey- He's a ass sometimes
Kim- Yeah he's getting better
Hailey- 5 minutes you ready
Kim- Let's go
We headed to the address driving as fast as we could when we got there Jays vest and gun were outside. I jumped out and ran inside he was suppose to leave a sign not his Vest and Gun. I saw him standing there Kim was behind me when we saw Adam, V, and Kev enter we all shouted CPD.
Hailey- Put the gun down your stuck
Pulpo- Where's you daughter at
Voight- I got her
Hailey- Put the gun down
Michael- Hey Hailey
Hailey- Don't make me shot you
Michael- You know you want to
Voight- Kids get behind me
Hailey- Don't make us shot you we will try and find your son
Pulpo pulled the trigger I jumped in front of Jay the I felt this sharp pain in my thigh I couldn't move I saw Voight shoot Pulpo
Jay- Babe
Vanessa- Upton
Kim- Hailey
Hailey- Ja... Jay
Jay- What was that
Hailey- I couldn't let you die our kids deserve a dad
Jay- And they don't deserve a mom
Hailey- Like you said a Happy Mom
Jay- Hailey this isn't what I meant babe stay with me
Paisley- mommy
Hailey- Jay you got this babe
Jay- Baby look at me
Voight- Cuff these bastards
Kim- Ambulance is almost here. Matt your should be ashamed of yourself idiot
Vanessa- Can't believe you Luis this was stupidity
Kevin- Michael Upton don't you think you hurt Hailey enough *punches him in the face*
Ruzek- Should of keep your hands to your self
Jay- Paisley, Xzavier you see them 2 women over there that's Aunt Kim and Aunt Nessa can you go over there
Jay- Um give Sky this shirt there's a shirt in my truck
Skylar- Mama.... Mama... Daddy why isn't mama answering
Jay-She's going be okay Skye.  Ima go with mommy okay
Skylar- *cries* Mommy.... Mama
Jay- Skye look at me Uncle Connor friends are going fix her
Haileys *gasp in pain*
I keep going in and out I couldn't talk or move
Kim's POV
They took Hailey in the ambulance Jay rode with her Me and V got all the kids checked out at the ambulance then w took the triplets in Haileys truck.
Skye- I know you your in mamas pictures
Paisley- Yeah mama tells us stories about y'all. She said 1 day we would meet y'all
Xzavier- She was scared you would be mad and you wouldn't wanna be in our lives that you wouldn't be nice to her anymore. You like our mommy and daddy right
Vanessa- We love them they are like our Brother and Sister
Paisley- That scary man took Skye
Skylar- He's mean and kisses me like daddy and mommy. Mama said only her daddy can kiss me
Kim- Thats right he shouldn't of did that
Paisley- Your nice like mama said Aunt Kim
Kim- Thank you
Skylar- Paisley you can't say she's nice and not say Aunt Nessa is nice mama doesn't like that
Paisley- I was gonna say it gosh Skye give me
a break
Xzavier- Could both of y'all calm down
Vanessa- *laughs*
Skylar- Zay leave us alone you like Kynn
Xzavier- I'm 6 I don't like girl
Paisley- You like Kynn
Xzavier- leave me alone
Kim- *laughs* we are here
We walked in when EJ and Kynn came running towards us and the Triplets ran towards Allison, Owen and Makenna
Kynndallon- Mama
Easton- Mama
Vanessa- Hey baby boy
Kim- Baby girl I've missed you
Allison- Omg Skye, Pais, Zay
Owen- Thank god
Makenna- Y'all scared us
Skylar- Uncle Will Aunt Nat
Nat- Hey babies you scared us you can't do that anymore
Will- Hey Halstead Triplets no more doing that
Allison POV
The triplets said hey to everybody when the room got tense.
Allison- It's tense in here and it's not because of Aunt Hailey being shot
Kim- What's going on Sylvie you look like your going throw up
Natalie- Y'all know that we been knew
Kim- Yeah they triplets knew y'all
Stella- And your not going holler at us or shot us
Adam- No
Sylvie- Thanks god
Vanessa- Did you know they were married
Sylvie- No
Casey- Yeah
Vanessa- That makes me wanna shot you but Hailey wouldn't like that
Kelly- I didn't know
Will- Kelly really
Allison- Um guys something happened
Natalie- What
Allison- The Uptons seen the news Leeyah just text me Haileys dad got a phone call in jail and they are on the way
Kevin- Is their anymore surprise coming our way
Ava- Jays old unit from the safe house knew about the kids
Kim- Okay that hurts
Skylar- Daddy
Jay- Yeah baby girl
Skylar- We are in a hospital why
Jay- Mommy got hurt badly and the doctors are working on her
Xzavier- Is she going to be alright
Paisley- She isn't going leave us forever
Jay- No mama is strong that's where you get it from and she's going make it out
Skylar- Mama said her job is dangerous she might not make it home that's what Aunts and Uncles are for
Jay- Aunts and Uncles are for everything not just 1 thing and you have the best ones in the world and a amazing mom who I know will be okay
Xzavier- What about you
Jay- I'm alright
Paisley- Your the best to
Jay- Thank you
Xzavier- I like Aunt Kim and Aunt Nessa they are cool
Jay- I know right they are funny, nice they are like all your other Aunts
Skylar- I like Uncle Kev and Uncle Adam they beat the bad guy up
Jay- They did
Skylar- They are like all of y'all their Hero's
Jay- They are Hero's they have saved a lot of people
Skylar- I talked to that woman and man
Jay- Who
Paisley- Ms. Michelle and Mr. Bryce
Jay- When
Kynndallon- They were at the building
Jay- Um come here sit down
Xzavier- Can I go with papa
Jay- Go ahead. Pais, Skye come here
Skylar- Daddy we watched a video of you and uncle Kev hurting someone
Jay- look at me none of us would hurt somebody on purpose that person did something wrong
Paisley- You kissed a brown head person
Jay- I did when
Paisley- He said a long time ago
Jay- I use to kiss Erin Lindsay but now I kiss mama
Skylar- I know
Michelle- How's Hailey
Jay- Um in surgery
Skylar- You were in the building with that man that hurt us
Michelle- I'm your grandma
Jay- No Hailey is laying on a surgery table because your husband couldn't keep his hands to himself you don't get to introduce yourself
Kim- Let's go get something to eat
Allison- I wanna come if Aunt Hailey comes out text me
Natalie- Okay
Sylvie- Haileys gotta be okay
Natalie- She wouldn't leave her kids here without a mom
Stella- Tomorrow is her big
Ava- She's going make it through she wouldn't leave Jay her kids especially without a goodbye
Vanessa- She jumped like it was nothing
Jay- She jumped because of what I said god I'm stupid
Natalie- What are you talking about
Jay- In the car earlier she had been having Nightmares for 2 months I was trying to tell her she didn't have to go through it alone we went back and fourth I said our kids deserved a mom who won't be in pain her whole life they deserve a happy mom she hears half of it not the whole thing
Vanessa- She heard the whole thing she jumped because you didn't have a vest
Jay- I couldn't go in without a Vest and my daughter was missing
Vanessa- Hailey will understand that
Dr. Marcel- Hailey is awake I was ordered to break y'all into groups P.D. Fire and Med but she wants to see her Jay her kids Allison Owen Luke  Makenna
Owen- We'll go get them from the cafeteria
Jay- Thanks.
Dr. Marcel- This way. The bullet was in her thigh it didn't travel anywhere so we are good
Jay- Thanks. Baby
Hailey- Jay
Jay- I'm sorry I didn't mean it in that way
Hailey- I know Jay kiss me please
Jay- Alright...... You good
Hailey- Yeah my leg hurts where's my babies
Skylar- Mama
Hailey- Baby girl
Allison- Aunt Hailey
Hailey- Come here Alli
Allison- You scared me I thought you were gonna die
Hailey- Baby I'm alright I promise
Owen- Aunt Hails
Hailey- Owen
Owen- We tell you how much you mean and you do this
Hailey- Bad timing. Did my big boy cry
Owen- Yeah Alli was crying which didn't help
Hailey- I see that. Luke
Luke- Auntie Hailey I would hug you but Alli is laying there
Hailey- Later I'll take that hug. I don't think she's moving any time soon
Allison- Nope you almost died I'm staying her fo a long time
Skylar- Mama
Hailey- Baby girl
Paisley- Mommy you okay
Hailey- Yeah I'm good are you
Paisley- Yeah I'm good
Hailey- Zay
Xzavier- Yes
Hailey- No mama
Xzavier- You could of left us
Hailey- Baby boy I'm alright I promise I'm not going any where
Zay- Love you mama
Hailey- Love you to. Hey Makenna
Makenna- Hey mama hails. You doing good
Hailey- Yeah. I think I scared you the most
Makenna- Maybe
Hailey- Maybe
Makenna- Yeah thought I had lost another mom in my life
Hailey- I'm still here
Makenna- Thank god
Adam- CPD has arrived
Hailey- *laughs* Come in
Kim- How are you
Hailey- Good
Kim- Is Alli sleep
Hailey- Yeah I guess the game killed her
Easton- Aunt Hailey
Hailey- Hey EJ. You doing good
Easton- Yeah
Hailey- I'm going lighten the mood cause y'all look a little upset
Vanessa- You jumped in front of a bullet Hails
Hailey- Yes I did but I'm not talking about that
Jay- Y'all look spooked
Hailey- They didn't see this coming
Jay- Hailey this isn't funny your laying in a hospital bed
Hailey- Fine. Who's going 1st
Vanessa- Married
Hailey- didn't that we was going to that but yes 4 years Hailey Halstead
Vanessa- This means I don't get to be a brides maid. How about y'all get divorced then re married I wanna be a brides maid
Jay- How about we not do that
Vanessa- Guys we are starting over telling everythinh
Kim- Alright Jay your 1st
Jay- Fine. I'm Jay Halstead father of 3 and married to Hailey Ann Halstead
Hailey- Hailey Ann mother of 3 married to Jay Halstead
Kim- Kim Burgess Ruzek mom of 1 married to Adam Ruzek
Adam- Adam Ruzek dad of 1 married to Kim Burgess Ruzek
Kevin- Kevin Atwater dad of 1 married to Vanessa Rojas Atwater
Vanessa- Vanessa Rojas Atwater mom of 1 married to Kevin Atwater
Kim- So their 6 which means you was pregnant when you went in the Safe House which mean that unit knew
Vanessa- I'm going ignore the last part of that sentence. Okay so I think I know how to tell them apart
Hailey- Really people says it's hard
Vanessa- Skylar is shorter than Paisley so that's her
Hailey- Yeah. Skye turn around
Skylar- yeah mama
Hailey- You wanna Introduce yourself
Skylar- Skylar Rose Halstead I'm the oldest mama calls me Missy Attitude cause I'm like her I'm 6 everybody calls me Skye I'm full of energy
Hailey- Okay Missy attitude I think they got it. baby boy
Xzavier- I'm Xzavier Jay Halstead I'm the middle child my mama calls me Baby Boy cause I'm the only boy I'm 6 to and everybody calls me Zay I'm energetic
Hailey- Pais
Paisley- Yeah mama
Hailey- You wanna introduce yourself
Paisley- ummm....
Jay- Baby girl you just said you liked them
Paisley- I do
Hailey- it's 7:30 Jay she's sleepy
Jay- Only 7:30
Hailey- We've been up since 6:00 that's why you think it's later
Jay- I'll do it. Paisley Grace Halstead Baby of the family is very shy sometimes we like to call her Baby girl she's 6 and everybody calls her Pais
Hailey- And she's gone to sleep. I'm not staying in this hospital
Jay- Hailey
Hailey- Get up and go talk to Dr. Marcel
Kim- How did you hide it all these years
Hailey- Layla and Bailey our babysitters helped us
Vanessa- Thats who your always on the phone with
Sylvie- We decided it's our turn to come back here y'all talk a lot so here's Fire and Med
Hailey- Hey Sylvie
Sylvie- Don't do that don't act like we didn't tell you to think about yourself before other people
Hailey- Here comes the Lecture
Natalie- Damn right sorry kids. We talked about this when the test was positive and what did you rump go do
Hailey- Jump in front of a bullet Jay didn't have a vest
Stella- Hailey Ann i said we try our best to make it home not die
Aubrey- Hey Aunt Hails
Hailey- Hey Aubrey
Natalie- Do you think we are playing
Ava- Maybe let's take it down a notch. Hailey don't ever do that again cause your kids deserve a mom
Hailey- I was shot in the thigh
Natalie- The bullet could of traveled Hailey
Hailey- True
Sylvie- I swear to god I could strangle you right now
Hailey- Alright Alright go ahead and lecture me
Sylvie- That was dumb what you did was stupid I love Casey but i love my daughter and I wouldn't do that
Hailey- Alright I get it I won't do it again
Jay- Dr. Marcel says you can go home in a hour but you gotta remember to take your meds and well you can read the side effects
Hailey- *laugh* oh god that's not funny
Kim- you can't laugh at the side effects and no tell us let me see that
Vanessa- Dizzy, Sleepy, Nauseous, oh god
Ava- *laughs* Horny
Jay- Yeah you can't be that cause we can't do that
Hailey- When have I ever been horny
Jay- 4 month pregnant 6 month pregnant 9 month pregnant
Hailey- Alrighty I get it but I was pregnant I can control myself
Natalie- They all say that
Will- They do don't they
Hailey- I will have security take y'all out the hospital y'all work for
Ava- Um Hailey you have some visitors
Hailey- Who is...
Michelle- Hey Hailey
Bryce- Hey lil sis
Hailey- I'd strangle you if Alli wasn't asleep
Kim- Yeah mood swings are listed to
Hailey- this is just anger for that bastard
Jay- $2
Hailey- Don't you $2 me Jay Halstead 
Hailey- *takes a deep breath* Bryce and Mama all I gotta say to you is walk out you let that bastard touch my kids knowing what he was capable. You should be ashamed of yourselves
Bryce- What happened to my lil sis
Hailey- When you call me a bitch, slut, whore and tried to attack me you lost my love my trust you lost your little sister. You lost your daughter a long time ago
Michelle- Hailey you know your father was going find us
Hailey- and him doing what he did was any better ma him taking his anger out on me was better
Bryce- It wasn't just you
Hailey- Yeah cause your daddy's little boy you were perfect Malia escaped Hayden got it on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday Sunday he had it bad but I got everyday I was lucky if he lost his keys to that basement that was only because Hayden hide them you left Bryce you don't have films of you naked you wanna say something
Bryce- You are so dramatic
Hailey- I am wow you would know wouldn't you cause you watched him I'm not blind Bryce your little shadow was there I called your name so many nights i could hear your little giggle you felt guilty didn't you Bryce that's why you haven't looked me in the eye since I was 5 your just like him
Michelle- Hailey I didn't
Hailey- Oh my mom I could Hayden so if you say you couldn't hear me you brought him beers you made it worse I get all your voice mails I listen to him then I delete them cause you don't get to ask me for anything after the hell you put me through.
Michelle- I didn't want to end up like your older sister
Hailey- Malia no she was actually there she actually helped me she cared she tried to help until dad bout killed my mistake you did you were mad and didn't have nobody to take it on that day so you choose her or are you talking about the one dad killed he raped her and left her to die in the basement i know cause he would say " You don't participate you die like big sis you don't wanna die do you Hailey Ann Upton you don't wanna honey cause I like you your the good one"
I watched the video she bleed out and you made your children watch your made your kids watch her bleed out kids don't forget that
Michelle- Hai
Hailey- Get out why haven't you left yet why are you here god how can you look at your kids cause I couldn't if I were you
Bryce- It runs in our blood
Hailey- No I'm a great mother i protect my kids I love my kids you wanna keep running your mouth I got shot in the leg but my fist still works bastard
Will- Um please leave before we get security
Jay- Baby
Hailey- What did she think I would forget she really thought he watched me and giggled like he enjoyed it
Jay- Baby
Hailey- *cries* I just wanted to leave it in my past it keeps catching up with me what did I do to deserve this I really wants to know
Jay- Nothing you didn't do anything
Hailey- There's gotta be a reason this is my life i became a cop to stop people like him
Jay- You put him away Hails
Hayden- Hailey
Hailey- Hayden
Hayden- Yeah I'm still here
Hailey- guys um give me a moment with them please
Kelly- Yeah
Malia- Hey hails
Hailey- *cries* I tried to forget I did
Hayden- You got a good life hails
Hailey- Must not be good enough if this keeps haunting me
Malia- You did Hailey you had kids you got a husband you made an awesome life your cop who would of known little Hailey would be a cop
Hailey- I know he touched my daughter I wanna kill him
Malia- She's beautiful and I bet she's strong she'll get through this
Hailey- Yeah
Hayden- You've did good Hailey
Hayden- I'm proud
Hailey- He watched Hayden every time I called out every night
Hayden- I heard you Hailey but you didn't let that pave your future you should be glad
Leeyah- Mom
Malia- Hailey this is Leeyah Hailey Ann Upton 12
Hailey- You have a great singing voice
Leeyah- Thanks
Jays POV
When Haileys family left we went back in their it was time to go I went and got her a change in f clothes. she tried to walk knowing she shouldn't have I had to go get my truck so Nat drove her home and Will took me to get my truck I went back home when I got inside Jayley came running to the door. I feed her then went upstairs cleaned the kids room and put them in their bedrooms when I walked into my bedroom Hailey was crying she had stayed strong about the kids being taken. I walked to bed and sat at the end of the bed the doctor said to push her leg up and down then massage it every night I had to change the bandage I pulled her jogging pants down and her shirt up. I changed the bandage then started moving her leg she didn't like it after I got up
their next to her pulled her close and massaged her thighs while she cried into my chest. She eventually fell asleep I went and told the kids to get ready for bed when I came in Hailey was tossing and turning I knew those signs i washed and got in bed next to her I put 1 of her legs between min and threw the injured one over on top of my legs

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