Moving In.!

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2 Days Later......
Jays POV
Yesterday was Saturday we didn't have to work so Hailey made me go with her shopping for house decorations we spent a lot of money but being the 1 of the top units in Chicago pays great so I let her go crazy on decor then we bought our Refrigerator, Washer and Dryer, Living and Dining room set and everything else we needed for the new house. Today is Sunday we got the keys to the house this morning. We ask the unit, Will and Nat to come help us move stuff to the new house Kim and V can't do much so they are just coming to decorate the new house. We were at the apartment packing everything up when Hailey got distracted and started throwing clothes at me so I picked her up and threw her on the bed 
then she jumped on my back and started messing with my hair before I could throw back onto the bed somebody knocked on the door i forgot to put her down and just went and opened to the door it was Will, Nat, Kim and Adam. *N- Natalie, W- Will*
J- Hi guys come in
W- Wow dude there's boxes everywhere never thought I'd see the day Jays Halstead apartment looked like this
J- Funny Will I was about to take the boxes to the house y'all wanna ride
W- Sure
A- Yeah
J- If Kev comes before we get back tell him we won't be long. Let's Go
H- Um Halstead do you notice wrong with that idea
J- Ummm No
H- Jay Halstead I know you ain't this slow. You can't go nowhere with me on your back or without your truck keys which are in the bedroom.
J- uh yeah that makes sense. I was about to go full Adam Ruzek
A- Really Jay *everybody laughs* *Jay starts walking towards the bedroom*
H- Jay u still have to put me down *throws her on the couch*
H- Your sleeping on the couch tonight
J- Payback. By the way Hails the clothes you threw at me need to be put is boxes
H- You cleaning freak I'm going get to that
J- where's my truck keys hails
H- idk you never let me drive it so I never keep up with them
J- You have a Jeep thats why you don't drive my truck and you had them last hails
H- *walks to the bedroom door* I really don't know where they are but keep searching your doing great babe *walks back to the living room*
*Kev and Vanessa walk in*
V- Here goes your boxes Hailey
K- We would of been here sooner but she cried every time she seen a pic of y'all either covered in flour, cuddled up or any pic of y'all in that apartment.
V- why did you make me pack your clothes
H- cause I knew you would want to steal some of my clothes so i thought this was the best way for you to do it.
KB- I thought Hailey was the clothes theft.
V- She is I found about 15 of Jays shirts and 10 of Jays hoodies
N- Wow Hailey 25 pieces of Jays clothing. Will now you can never complain about me having 15 of your hoodies.
W- Yeah yeah. Owen and Allison are calling you. *Jay comes out with his keys*
J- Found them. V did you put my clothes in with Haileys
V- yeah she told me to
J- Damn it I'll never get them clothes back
A- Jay your goin be living together just taking them back that's what I do
J- You can't get tackled down over it either
A- umm no I can't
V- oh and I found a album by the way Hailey your really cute when you have your tough act down.
KB- I wanna see that
H- Really V *they all laugh*
N- Hailey, Owen and Alli wanna ask you something *hands her the phone *Allison-AH* *O- Owen*
O-Hi aunt Hailey
AH- Hi Auntie
H- Hey Owen, Hi Alli I heard you needed to ask me something
O- yeah Allison wanted to do a craft so I told her that you and uncle Jay was moving and she could make something to put on your refrigerator and she needs to know y'all's favorite colors
H- Well mine is Yellow but your uncles is pink and blue
AH- Uncle Jay likes pink
H- Yes he does
O- it's a surprise for Uncle Jay we wanted to surprise you but we knew Uncle Jay wouldn't know your favorite color cause he a little slow
H- *laughs* well just know it's safe with me nobody will know
AH- Bye auntie
O- Bye aunt Hailey love you
H- Bye Owen, Bye Alli love y'all to *hangs up the phone and hands it back to Natalie
J- what was that about
H- nth much just that they think their Uncle Jay is slow
J- Wait what
N- Will you gotta stop talking around them
W- Least we know their very good listeners *everybody laughs*
H- Jay Halstead listen these boxes go into our room at the house so just lay them in the closet I'll unpack them
J- okay
H- Will , Kev and Adam they put all the furniture where it's suppose to be except the bedroom and living room furniture so don't let Jay move it cause I'll just have to remove it he don't know anything about where furniture sits so again don't let him touch it till I get there
W- Okay
A- Your in charge
K- Heard that Jay
J- Let's grab a box and head out before Hailey Ann Upton comes up with new rules 
Haileys POV
The boys grab all the boxes and head to the new house while me and the girl finish packing we start in the bedroom.
V- Jay was right you threw clothes every where
H- Jay didn't tell the whole story
KB- care to explain while we start folding *everybody starts picking up clothes and folding them*
H- So I was in the bathroom packing up stuff when he sneaks up behind me where the boxes are and starts unpacking so I stood up and kissed him to distract him so when we got to the door I stopped kissing him and I closed and lock the door.
V- Nice but how did this happen
H- Well he found the key to the bathroom door which i thought he had lost but he unlocked the door and starts unpacking stuff again I got up and made him pack it I walk into the bedroom to see only half of the clothes packed I asked him what he was doing the whole time he said watching TV I thought he can watch TV so can I once he was done in the bathroom I had fell asleep I could feel something on top of me when so I open my eyes to clothes stacked on top of me and Jay on top of the clothes. So I yelled as loud as I could *
"Jay Halstead" he jumped up and pulled the pile of clothes off of me and i stood up on the bed and started throwing them at him till he picked me up and threw me on the bed I stood back up jumped on his back and did the 1 thing he hated I messed up his hair then y'all showed up
KB- It's only 12:00 so y'all had all that energy at 10/11:00 in the morning
H- Yeah *they all laugh*
Natalie POV
I was folding a pair of Jays pants when something fell out. It was Wills and Jays mothers ring I didn't know what to do.
H- Nat what was that
N- Ummm *whispers* V find a way to get her out of here I got to call Jay
V- Hailey can u come with me right fast I got to tell you something
H- Okay *they walk out Nat dials Jays number*
J- What's up Nat
N- umm we was folding clothes when your moms ring fell out
J- *voice gets louder* I thought you had it you and Will got married first
N- Jay Halstead you really don't remember Will letting you keep it cause you and Hailey took so long to admit your feelings he asked me if we got married would I be mad if I didn't get the ring I said no. Then he told you to ask Hailey with it when it's time that you deserved it after everything you've been through and Hailey should have it for putting up with you
J- yeah I do. Nat just put it in your purse or something till y'all get here
N- Okay Bye. Kim put this in your purse don't let Hailey see it
KB- Okay *Vanessa and Hailey walk back in*
H- V you'll be fine.
KB- there's only a few pieces left to fold and we'll be done. There  anything else to pack
H- umm no this is it we packed a lot of stuff up yesterday night.
Hailey POV
We finished packing up the last of the boxes me and Nat carried them out all most all the boxes fit in my car except 2 so Natalie put them in her car. I went back into the house to make sure that was everything I grabbed my phone, AirPods and my charger threw them in my bag i was happy that we finished packing by 1:00 I headed to go get everybody something to eat the girls had already left and so I called Jay cause I wanted to talk to somebody and they didn't have anything to do till I got there so he went into a empty room to talk to me.
J- Hi hails what's up
H- Nth I needed somebody to talk to so I decided to call you
J- Well while we talk you can get everybody something to eat my debit card is in the car with you
H- Alright go give the phone to them I'll stop by McDonald's
J- Hi everybody give y'all's order to Hailey she's at McDonald's ......
J- Did you get all of that
H- Yes I did
J- Okay. It's just me and you now what's on your mind
H- To tell you the truth my brother Bryce got back in contact with me and i don't know what to do
J- Well Hails well after everything you told me maybe you should tell him how you feel
H- Bryce has always been a daddy's boy now Hayden might listen to what I have to say but i don't even know where he is
J- What about your sister umm Malia
H- She hasn't been around since I was 6. I'm glad she got away from Chicago though because she got away from the torture in that house
J- Look hails if you don't wanna reach out to them you don't have to
H- It's not that I don't want to Jay it's that I'm scared it'll bring up all those memories. I'm outside
J- coming *hangs up and walks outside pulls Hailey into a hug he lifts her head up and places his forehead of hers*
J- Look you have to do what's best for you. Do whatever you think won't give you nightmares at night and I'll support you no matter hails
H- okay thanks. This food going to get cold
J- And our helpers are going get hangry
Jays POV
We bring the food inside and Will and Adam go grab the drinks. When we get inside we have to move the dining table.
H- Okay guys can y'all move the table to the dining room
W- Yes we can *they movie it into to the dining room*
H- um Jay wrong way I didn't mean opposite way hons
J- This way
H- Yes I thought we talked about opposite of what I'm saying
J- haha let's eat
Hailey POV
We ate then everybody got a room. I showed the boys where to put the beds then they hung up the TVs then they moved the couch and hung up the TV in there. Nat,Kim and V were decorating the extra 3 bedrooms they finished 2 hours later I was still working on me and Jays room I had to make V and Kim take a break I couldn't make Nat cause she wasn't pregnant and she stood her ground so she went and did the mud room. Will was doing the Pool Room, Kev had the backyard, Adam wanted the Movie Theater and Jay was unpacking clothes and putting them in the closet everybody helped decorate what ever hadn't been decorated yet. We finally finished it took about 5-6 hours but once we was done it was looked amazing but everybody was hungry again so we door dashed pizza we had drinks already then everybody decided to test the movie room so we watched a movie then we went through the whole house everybody wanted to see how it turned we talked a little bit then everybody went home. Me and Jay washed then laid down well I laid down on top of him with my chest under his chin he wrapped his arms around me and then he intertwined our legs.
J- you decided about your siblings
H- I'm going to get back in touch with Malia and Hayden I'm not sure about Bryce last time I talk to him it didn't end well
J- what you mean
H- He just said something stupid and called Malia and Hayden some names I told him he was just like his father he tried to swing but I knocked him to the ground an threatened to step on his throat
J- I know not to make you mad now
H- *laughs*
J- Look at that I made u laugh
H- Congrats let's go to sleep now I'm tired
J- We sleeping like this
H- Yes we are why
J- Just making sure u didn't have to force u go to lay down on top of me and go to sleep
H- I like laying on top of you I feel safe and comfy
J- I'm glad you do Good Night love you
H- Good Night love you to Jay.

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