35. Mackerel

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Shikamaru sighed and placed the report on top of the pile on his table. It was the last document that was due that weekend and he was glad he was able to finish it ahead of time. He looked over at the clock on the wall, and he noticed that Temari would be arriving soon with his bento box.

He would usually come to work with his bento box already prepared, but they had both woken up pretty late that morning, having stayed up late the previous night, reading plenty of bedtime stories to a very curious Shikadai.

So Temari had just told him that they would drop his lunch off before they went over to Yoshino's house for lunch. That was their daily routine, Temari and Shikadai would come over to Yoshino's house for lunch and an afternoon tea, while Shikadai plays with his grandmother. Shikamaru actually felt bad for missing these moments, but he was glad that his wife and son is spending time with his mom.

He leaned back on his chair and closed his eyes. Suddenly, the door opened and a grinning Shikadai came running to him, a bento box in his hands.

"Daddy! We brought your lunch!"

Temari walked behind Shikadai with a small smile, and in her hands was a bigger bento box.

"He wanted to have lunch with you."

"What about mom?"

"She called this morning, she said she has lunch date with Ino and Choji's moms."

Shikadai grabbed his hand and tugged him over to the small center table.
"Daddy, let's eat!"

He pushed his father onto the sofa and helped his mother take out the food they had prepared. Shikadai held out a light brown bento box towards him and smiled when Shikamaru patted his head before taking.

When Shikamaru removed the lid, he saw his favorite meal laid out beautifully. He looked up at Temari who smiled at him.

"You've been very busy at work lately and it's been a while since you've had that. I know how much you missed it."

Shikadai peered into his father's lunch, wondering why his father seemed to be surprised about the food. When he thought that perhaps his father didn't know what kind of fish it was, Shikadai looked up at him and told him. "It's mackerel, dad."

Shikamaru chuckled.
"Yes, it is, little fawn."

"He helped me prepare it."
To this, Shikadai eagerly nodded his head.

"No wonder it looks delicious. Thank you, Dai."

Shikadai smiled proudly at his dad, before he grabbed his smaller bento box and took out an onigiri. He offered one to his mother, who in turn gave him a kiss on the cheek, before he began eating.

Temari smiled at her two boys before she began eating as well. After a while, when Shikadai was too busy with his second onigiri, Shikamaru leaned towards her and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you, Tem."

"What for?"

"This. I missed this."

She smiled and held his hand. "Maybe we can make this a tradition. Why don't we come over for lunch once a week? We'll bring mom as well. She misses having lunch with you too."

"I'd love that."

They shared another smile before they both turned to Shikadai, who was looking at them curiously, rice grains sticking to his face.

AN: Here's another random moment from our favorite Nara Family hehe💚 Hope you guys liked it! It's December 24 here!!! Tonight is Christmas Eve, yay!!! Does it snow from where you are?

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