14. Clouds

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Watching clouds is Shikamaru's favorite pass time, everyone who knows him knew that. Whenever he's not stuck at work, he would be on his favorite spot, lying on his back, hands behind his neck, watching the clouds float by.

He loves it so much that he wanted to share that experience with the people he loves. His parents, Asuma, Temari, and now, his son. That was the main reason why he had insisted to Temari that they should put a baby mobile with white velvet clouds and light blue stars dangling from it, over their son's crib.

He had come home from the store that day with a big smile on his face and had gone straight to his wife who was knitting a small hat in the living room. Temari had looked at him weirdly as he held up the baby mobile he had just bought from the baby store.

He was so excited to set it up that Temari decided to just let him be.

And now, a few months later, they are now parents to the most adorable baby boy Konoha has ever seen. Sorry Naruto and Hinata.

And Shikamaru couldn't be more proud of his 8 month old son. He would smile whenever Shikadai would giggle and try to reach up and grab the floating clouds over his crib.

Like father, like son.


Temari slowly got up from their bed, stretching her arms over her head. It was 7 am on a Saturday and she had just woken up to an empty bed. Shikamaru didn't have any work today and she didn't hear Shikadai crying earlier that morning, so wondering where her husband could be, she slowly made her way to their son's room and what she saw made her smile.

Whenever Shikadai would cry and Shikamaru would be the one to check on him, he would always fall asleep sitting on a stool and leaning over the side of the crib, holding one of Shikadai's toys.

However, that wasn't the sight that welcomed Temari that morning. Instead, she saw her tall and grownup husband lying on the crib on his back, his knees bent and his arms wrapped securely around the infant that was fast asleep on his chest. Both father and son were so deep in sleep with their mouths open.

Temari quickly went back to their bedroom to grab the camera and ran back to the nursery room to capture the moment.

After taking a dozen of pictures, she finally freshened up and went downstairs to prepare breakfast for her two boys.

Her cloud loving raven-haired Nara boys.

AN: I can totally imagine little Shikadai playing with the baby mobile haha! Such a cutie pie.🥺

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