17. Mine

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Shikamaru stood beside Kakashi as he conversed with the raikage about their future plans for their alliance. He already knew what they were talking about since Kakashi had talked to him beforehand, but still, he should be listening to the conversation but Shikamaru was busy watching the kazekage and his siblings.

More specifically, he was busy staring at the tessen wielding kunoichi who was standing beside her brothers. She was dressed in an elegant green dress that complimented her tan skin. Her hair was not done in its usual two spiky pigtails, instead it was down in big curls, just ending a few centimeters from her shoulders. She was so beautiful, it took all his will power not to go over and wrap his arms around her. There was light make-up on her face and she was smiling rather tightly at the mizukage who was talking and gesturing towards the young man beside her.

From his position, he could already tell that she was tense. Her shoulders were stiff and she was holding the glass of wine rather tightly. Shikamaru frowned, wondering what the mizukage was saying that was making Temari feel that way.

Suddenly, the young man bowed and reached out his hand towards Temari. She gingerly took his hand, trying to be civil because they were at an official event surrounded by well recognized shinobi. She smiled tightly at the man as he leaned down to kiss her hand.

Shikamaru frowned at the gesture. Who was this guy?

He wanted to go over there and pull him away from her, but he knew Temari would just end up getting mad at him. Something about being able to handle it herself and not needing him to come save her. As if she needed saving , Shikamaru knew perfectly well that Temari would pummel anyone who dared touch her inappropriately. But something felt off tonight and Shikamaru did not like it one bit.

It had been 7 months since Naruto and Hinata's wedding and yet only a few people knew the real connection between them. Some just knew from the rumors going around but Temari and Shikamaru didn't feel like explaining to each and everyone what they really are. They're both happy keeping their relationship private, only displaying affection in public once in a while. Just simple hand holding and hugs. They keep all the kissing in the privacy of their homes because they didn't really want anyone to ruin the moment.

His frowned deepened as the young man wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close as they began to sway to the soft music. He was speaking but Temari was obviously not interested for her teal eyes looked around them and when they finally locked with Shikamaru's, she gave him a small smile.

'I got this.'

Shikamaru remained frowning, his eyes watching the man's hands carefully. If his hands travel an inch lower...

"Shikamaru, do what you have to do."

Shikamaru looked at Kakashi, understanding in the older man's visible eye. He didn't need to be told twice, it was time to claim what was rightfully his.

He placed his glass of wine on the table and slowly made his way over to the dancing pair.

"Mind if I cut in?" He asked the man who looked at him for a moment before he nodded, dropping his hands to his sides. Finally.

Shikamaru clenched his fists as the man took her hand again and kissed it, right in front of him. Just who the hell was this guy?

The second he was gone, Shikamaru turned to Temari with an unreadable expression and immediately pulled her body close to his. His arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

"Shikamaru," she gasped, her hands settling on his arms.

He leaned down, her soft blonde hair tickling his cheek. He inhaled the soft and intoxicating smell of her, pulling her closer to him.

"I got it under control, crybaby."

"Didn't say you didn't. My girlfriend is not a helpless damsel."

Temari smiled and slid her arms up his shoulders, before wrapping them around his neck. From his shoulder, she could see some of the guests looking at them. From one corner, she saw the hokage looking smug and in the other side of the room, her brothers  smirking at them.

Guess now all the nations will know about them.

"I didn't like the way he was touching you and looking at you."
He murmured against her hair.

"You're cute, Shika."
She chuckled, rubbing the base of his neck making him groan.

He had always been in control of his emotions before. Between the two of them, she was more the type to get wind up when she gets jealous. And most of the time, he found it cute when she would get all flustered and he would pull her close and let her know she was the only one for him. But now, he realized, if this was what she felt whenever she got jealous.

This unnerving discomfort in the pit of his stomach, at the mere sight of another man standing beside her, looking at her, touching her. It wasn't pretty at all.

Shikamaru looked up and locked eyes with the man from earlier. He was looking at them with his mouth hanging open. This made Shikamaru smirk and just to make sure the man got the message, he leaned down and pressed a kiss on Temari's bare shoulder.


He felt her shiver at the touch of his lips on her skin and it made him somewhat happy and proud that he could make her feel that way.

It was time to let everyone know that they were together.

He wanted everyone to know that Sabaku no Temari was his, just as much as he was hers.

AN: I had fun writing this cause I really think Shikamaru is the type to get jealous easily but he would remain quiet unless it was too much and he would finally lay his claim.😏😉Anyway, thanks for reading! Have a nice day!🤗

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