27. Storytime

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Shikamaru collapsed on the sofa, exhausted after spending the last few hours playing with Shikadai, who was a very active 1 year old. They played with blocks and trains, they even went and played with the deers in the Nara forest.

He closed his eyes and sighed in relief as his back settled comfortably on the cushions. Temari was currently changing Shikadai's clothes and he cherished the minute of respite from their busy afternoon. But it was cut short when Shikadai went running back into the living room, clad in cream colored pajamas and carrying a colorful book.


Shikamaru tried to pretend to be asleep but Shikadai obviously knew he was wide awake because he placed the book on Shikamaru's chest and patted his face.


Shikadai frowned when his father didn't answer him.


Shikamaru sighed and opened his eyes to see his angry son. He looked so much like Temari at that very moment.

"Yes, little fawn."

Shikadai grabbed the book from his chest, flopped down on the floor and opened it. Making sure his father was watching him, he then began pointing to the various pictures of fruits on the page and babbling their names.

"Nana, baba, poo!"

He smiled proudly at his father when he finished and started clapping his hands.

Shikamaru stared at his son, who was usually very quiet like him. He couldn't believe how much his son had grown in a matter of months. And in a few more months, he'll be talking nonstop.

"Yay! That's very good, Dai!"

Temari came in, clapping with a big smile on her face. She sat down on the floor and took Shikadai in her arms. She kissed the giggling boy.


Shikamaru caught her eyes and he breathlessly said, "Our son is a genius."

Temari smirked at him and held their son at arm's length.

"Of course, he is. Not only is he a Nara, but he also has the Kazekage blood in him."

"Isn't that right, Shikadai?" She kissed Shikadai's chubby cheeks, making him giggle.

Their son truly is a genius and he would be such a great shinobi one day.

AN: This one is pretty short but I've been thinking about this scenario for a few days now hehe. I hope you guys liked it!🤗

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