23. Photographs

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Nara House, Konohagakure

"Mama," Shikadai called out to his mom who had her back to him.

Temari turned back to look at her 3 year old son, who was now frowning with one arm stuck on his shirt sleeve. She smiled adoringly as he leaned down to help him. She couldn't believe how fast her son grew up. It seemed only yesterday when he was still a small bundle in her arms, and now he's big enough to run around the house and even dress himself.

"My handsome little boy," Temari cooed, fixing the dark green montsuki and hakama Shikadai was wearing.

"Tem? Dai?" They heard Shikamaru call out from the hallway.

Shikadai brightened up at the sound of his father's voice and he jumped down from his bed to run out and greet him.

"Papa! Look, I'm dressed like you!" Shikadai said, standing in front of his father who smiled down at him.

"You look handsome, little fawn. Where's your mom?"

Shikadai pointed to his bedroom door just as Temari came out with a smile on her face. Shikamaru was rendered speechles by the sight of her. She was wearing the emerald green kimono he had given her and her hair was pulled back in its usual two bundles on either side of her head. A light make-up made her face glow even more and her pink lips seemed to call out to him. He took the last few steps towards her and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"You look beautiful, Tem."

A slight blush appeared on her face as she smiled at him.

"You don't look too bad, Nara."

He smirked before he leaned down to kiss her.
"You're a Nara too, Tem."

"Shikadai Nara!"

The two of them looked down at their son who was smiling up at them, his arms spread out over his head.

"I'm Nara too."

Temari laughed and picked him up, kissing his rosy cheek. "That you are, Dai."

"Are you ready?" Shikamaru asked his giggling son.


The three of them went down to the garden where Yoshino, who was also dressed in an emerald green kimono like Temari, was talking to the photographer. She smiled as Shikadai greeted her with a toothy smile. She suddenly remembered the time when Shikamaru was 3 years old and they too were about to take their family picture.
'If only you were here to witness this, Shikaku.'

Yoshino watched fondly as Shikadai smiled between his parents. Everytime the camera clicks and flashes, he would clap his hands, exclaiming 'wow!'.

After a few more takes, Temari held out her hand for her mother-in-law who smiled and took it. Yoshino stood beside her, Shikadai between them, and Shikamaru moved to stand behind his family, wrapping his arms around Temari and his mother.

He smiled as the camera flashed once again, capturing that moment forever. Soon, that photo would rest beside his father's portrait in his study.
"I will do my best to make you proud, dad."


Kazekage Tower, Sunagakure

"Can I play in the giant sandbox, mama?" Shikadai asked his mother, who was fixing his beige poncho.

"Of course, Dai. But we need to take photos first, okay?"

"Can't I go now?" He asked impatiently.

"Shikadai," his father looked him sternly, but Temari touched his arm to stop him. She leaned down to her son's height and brushed away some black strands that had escaped his ponytail. They were currently at the top of the Kazekage tower and the wind was blowing lightly, bringing with it the unique scent of the desert.

"After this one, okay, Dai? Please do it for mama."

Shikadai's face softened at his mother's voice, but it was suddenly replaced by a small frown. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her neck.

"Sorry, mama. We can play together in the giant sandbox later."

Temari closed her eyes, holding him close to her. She tried not to let her emotions take over but just being back in Suna after a year and wearing the traditional Suna robes and poncho, it was all bringing back memories from her childhood. And she couldn't help but reminisce the time when they too had their family portrait taken. She was only 3 years old then, Kankuro was 2, and Gaara was still inside her mother's womb. Their parents stood behind them as the photographer prepared his camera. And when the click finally came, it was then she had noticed that her parents were barely smiling. In fact, none of them did. Who would when their father had decided to seal a beast inside their little brother.

That had been the last family photo they had together and it took Temari years before she could even look at it again without the feeing of sadness and anger for the way their childhood had turned out.

'If only you were here, mom, dad. You would love Shikadai.'

Shikamaru had seen the sadness in her eyes that morning, as they were getting ready. He knew that he could never remove the sadness in her heart whenever she thought of her parents, but he would do everything he can to help her through it. And this was her way of trying to move past that sadness and somehow replace it with a happier memory. She had brought up the topic of family portraits in Suna, and although it seemed weird at first, he understood why she wanted to do it. It was her way of feeling closer to her parents. Dressed in a dark green loose fitting robe and beige poncho, just like Shikadai, Shikamaru approached his wife and son, hugged them and kissed their heads.

"You look exactly like mom, Temari."

Gaara, dressed in the traditional Suna robe instead of his Kazekage robe, approached them with a smile.

"Except the pigtails," Kankuro added, with a chuckled. His face was bare and free of his usual face paint.

Temari turned to him with a glare.
"Watch it, Kanky."
He lifted his arms in surrender.

"Woah, take it easy, sis. I was just kidding. But you do look beautiful."

Temari smiled and thanked him. Shikadai got excited when he saw his uncles and he immediately got down from his mother's arms and ran up to hug Gaara's legs.

Temari watched as her brothers smiled and listened to whatever story Shikadai was telling them. The photographer was still setting up his camera and after several minutes, he approached them to say that everything was ready.

The Naras took their photos first before they were joined by Kankuro and Gaara. Temari stood at the center, surrounded by the important men in her life. Shikadai was clapping each time the camera flashes which made all of them laugh.

At last, the sand siblings took their family portrait and as Temari wrapped her arms around her brothers, she could almost feel their parents right beside them, smiling.

'We'll make you proud, mom and dad.'

AN: I seriously do not know what they call the traditional clothes they wear in Suna, but I've always wanted to see Shikamaru and Shikadai wearing them. Anyway, I was pretty torn as to what I was going to call this chapter. I first thought of traditions but then I just decided on photographs haha. I hope you guys liked it!

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