40. Smile

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How long has it been since he's last seen her? Since he's seen her beautiful face; those eyes that see right through him and that childish smile that makes his insides twist in different emotions.

Too long. And again, he was reminded of the mistake he had done a few months ago. He kept telling himself he was being practical. They were from different villages. She was royalty, and he was the clan head. They live thousands of miles apart; a three day distance between them. He was younger than her; still inexperienced as compared to those her age. He told her and himself it was for the best. She didn't hit him with her tessen. No, she didn't even flinch. She just asked why and when he said the aforementioned reasons, she just sighed.

'Okay, I understand.'

It was the practical thing to do. That was what he kept telling himself; what he kept trying to reason out to his friends, his mom, his dad and Asuma's graves and Kurenai. But deep inside, he knew he was being selfish. And that ate him up in the days that followed their breakup. He couldn't believe how just a few months of dating had made him so attached to someone. How he cares so much about her that he was willing to risk his life for her? Well, too bad he let his selfishness get the best of him. Now, look where it led him.

He tried to ignore her warm blood soaking through his flak jacket and black shirt, staining his own skin. He tried to ignore the way she lay limp in his arms as he ran from tree to tree. He tried to ignore the tears falling down his face, the fear engulfing him.

'No, he couldn't lose her. Not now.'

When the village gates loomed in the distance, he willed his legs to go faster. He flew through the rooftops, his only goal was the Konoha Hospital. He cursed himself for going on that stupid mission, only to be ambushed by some rogue ninjas on the way home. He cursed Kakashi for sending reinforcements, and even including her in it. What was she doing in Konoha anyway?

Oh right. She was the Suna Ambassadress, and his ex-girlfriend.

He'd thought she had forgotten him, intentionally, because of what he had done. Guess he was wrong, yet again. She still cared for him, so much so that she was willing to risk her life to rescue him.

She still love him enough to sacrifice her life for his.

He cursed himself for being so blind as to not see where his enemies were. One minute he was throwing an enemy using his shadows and then the next, he was looking at Temari's face. She was smiling at him, the same way she smiled at him when she rescued him from Tayuya. Only this time, there was sadness in her smile.

"Guess I'll have to save you again, Shikamaru."
She'd whispered.

She was leaning on her fan, her left hand clutching her abdomen. Through her fingers, he could see the red stain on her kimono.

"Temari! Troublesome woman, why would you do that?"
His voice was shaking as he caught her body.

"I was being selfish. I love you too much to let you die."

"Tem, you'll be okay. Alright! Don't you dare close your eyes!"

"It's good to see you again, crybaby."

It was ironic, how that nickname became the trigger to his tears. And all at once, his regret and fear came crashing onto him. He lifted her body and just took off towards Konoha.

He never should've broken up with her. His mom and everyone else were right, he was selfish and a coward. They were both smart people; they could've easily thought of something to make their relationship work, but instead, he chose the easy way out.

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