29. Delirium

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A loud groan from upstairs made Temari sigh in her seat. She had just finished writing the important notes on the last report and was now arranging the documents by order of their deadlines. She heard another loud groan followed by a hoarse shout of her name.

She stood up and went up the stairs to check on her sick husband. When she arrived at the bedroom, she was met by the sight of Shikamaru sprawled on the ground, the sheets tangled around his legs. His face was flushed and his hair was not in its usual ponytail, but isntead sticking to his face.


She sighed and helped him back up to the bed. She fixed the blanket around him and checked his temperature once more. He was still febrile but it had gone down from that morning.

Shikamaru sneezed into a wad of tissue and then groaned before he turned to Temari, his eyes were drooping and his face was red.

"Temari, you're here."

"Of course, I'm here, Shika. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I thought you had left. I saw you walk out earlier."

"I only went downstairs to get your medicine."

"Don't ever leave me again, Tem. Please, you can't."

Temari massaged her temple. Shikamaru had been saying these nonsense for the past three hours now and according to Sakura, it was normal and was probabaly due to his fever. A few days rest and proper healthy meals would help him get better. But Temari had wanted to slap her husband several times now because he would scream whenever she went out of his sight.

Stupid Shikamaru. Why did he have to get himself sick anyway? Staying up late in the office, forgetting an umbrella when it was a rainy season in Konoha. He was supposed to be the genius of Konoha, but he was stupid enough to get the flu.

"You're beautiful."

He muttered, smiling dreamily at her.

Despite his annoying and somewhat hilarious condition, Temari found herself blushing at the open admiration in his eyes.

"My wife is a goddess."

"Shut up, lazyass. And get some sleep."

"Would you like to join me?"

Again, Temari felt her cheeks burn up, but she smirked and stood up instead.
"I can't, crybaby. I have to make your dinner now and you should really get some sleep. You really need it, Shika."

He pouted and turned his face away from her.
"You don't love me anymore."

Temari sighed.

"You're going to leave me, aren't you?"

"Of course not, Shikamaru. I'll just be in the kitchen, making you some chicken noodle soup to make you feel better."

"No, you're leaving me. You don't love me."

"We've been married for only 3 months, Shikamaru. I think it's way too soon for you to assume things like that."

"Don't leave me, Temari."

He grasped her hands, holding it tight and looking up at her with tears in his eyes.

"I won't, Shikamaru. Now, go get some rest."

Temari sat down beside him on the bed and ran her fingers through his hair. She waited until he fell asleep before she sighed. With a small smile on her face, she leaned down and kissed his forehead, brushing away some of his hair that was sticking to his skin.

"I married an idiot."

She stood up and quietly went down to the kitchen to prepare the soup for her handsome idiot of a husband.

AN: Aww clingy Shika wahahaha! This was fun to write haha anyway, I hope you guys are staying healthy and safe out there! 🤗

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