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We walk together around the street while he holding my hand.
I don't know what on her brain that he thinks now but the only one I'm surely is his been happy now.
Maybe I don't know why his smile in me while he still looking at me.
He had something told me while we walk together there.

Its a sunday morning and the hazy sun shining brightly to us.
We will both throwing a direction that have been we can say its beautiful.
The spring day has been already finished there.
We see something stupid thing while we just walked.
I have something remembered about us while we walk again together.
It currently be enough to tell that we haven't a bit bad memory but have only one surely I known we have so many beautiful memories I remember.

He just the person you can treat what you want but never treating an bad way because he will just hurt.
I fell something about her that I can't really explain everytime I look at her eyes and fronting each other.
He look at me suspiciously that can anyone he look like that has been bothered and they will down their throats.
I think he bring her eyes and attention into my eyes just like have something he want to say and he will just memorize any kind of details.
While he looking in my eyes when he just holding my right hand.

When that time comes I feel that I had something felt about her that I didn't understand.Maybe I fell that I will starting forbode but I can't really say.

Just like we have a staring moment happened on us but a half minute of time I blinked my eyes.

Then he blink her eyes too then I touch my eyes while he still look at me.
We continued walking until we came from have a black car parking at that street.
"Hopefully we just ride into an automobile or an bicycle because you know what my legs already tired of walking."
"So can I lift you?"He for bored ask and her throats down.
"No.I can walked it by myself even my legs already tired.''
"Okay if that what you saying."
I only move my head to up and down on her while I'm smiled.

We far apart walking now into a curve  bridge at the down part have an street and we see that have people walking in that down part of the curve bridge where we just walking.
We had been taught the far directions where we have been see a bird in a tree.
Both of us are smiled then I not chancely chances we fronting each other.Our face are so nearing to each other just like our eyes can be rolling anytime not just to hate if it just to don't know what can I do because our face is just so nearly.

Then I will  far my face into her face because it will be so near.
"Hey are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm okay."
"Let's go?"
"Let's go!"
We will continued walking until we will came from a tree that we will just have been few years ago.
We both sit at the down part of the three.
We talk about something when the time's both of me and her are there in this place.
After a few while we stand and walk again then while I talk to her I heard a voice that called my name when I will see in that direction I see Michael so I didn't know what's my reaction and how I am happy because I see her after a long time ago.I'll run to him and hugged him that makes him surprise.Maybe I doesn't know what my best friend at my back expression but I'm happy because I see her again and meet and now I'll just hugged him he slowly moved her hand into my back to hug me.
I will hugged out from her body but still I'm hearing of him.
"When you will came back here in korea?"
"Last time?"
"What?A last time?"
"Nope I mean last week."
"So why you didn't tell me Michael?"
"I'll just want you to surprise."
"And make you excite on me."
"Don't kid me like that."Just like I'm slying to say that then I swap slowly her body but it will not too much.
His looks like happy and mixed from smiley face and laugh faced.
I look at my back then I see my bestfriend looks like suffering?
"Come here."I smiled said to him then he drag her nose and he will slowly walk came from on me.
Oh gosh!The two man was so nearing on me so my sight changes come from Michael and Kyeong.
"What?"They both said while my sight changes come from them both.
"Uhmm nothing."I said when I stop my changing sight come from them both.
"Okay."They both said while they looking at me.
We front our way then I  walk with the two boys.
We talk about something trends or whatsoever that we made as our topic or to about to.

Jae-Shang  And Kyeong:They and IWhere stories live. Discover now