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WE still hug each other while we both sitting on the floor so my man or the man I like can't view me anymore.
Ofcourse he would not know what we talked about and he only silently watch us and our voice is silently for him because his in far direction.

He would sit on their just like dining area while his eating a snacks after he finish eating her food and her mom entered to one room at right direction.
We still hug each other tightly but Im the on who would so much tightly hugging my bestfriend in this case to make him comfort anything not to something.
In mean while we letting go out from hugging each other.Kyeong look at me with his naked eyes and I would stand while I'm looking a him then back of my window when I didn't see the man I like to see my sight fast find him but I can't see him so I get sad but when I see he would back with his snack that he eat,he look so hot!and my smile are back then Im waving at him then he look at me so mad so I get sad again.
Then he will passed by...he will turned to her direction and continue walking then passed until he goes to the far direction until I can't totally see him and view.

I placed my one hand into my right cheek and looks so sad until I realized that I know I never met him and we will never meet... meet each other and have an expectation way from each other then I closed my window so I cannot felt already the very cool feels of air.
Kyeong look at me and his on my back,he will sitting on my bed then I fronted into her direction with a sad face.I see her concerned on his eyes and how could he look at me.
I looks so paralized in this way and this case......I look so suffer,he look at me and he feel hurts became he feel me,he feels how I feel so I looks so cold or getting cold and need warm area.
Im going to Kyeong...Kyeong's area I lie my head into his shoulders and he place her hand to my skirt while Im holding my both side hand just like I feel so cold and need warm area.
He take off her jacket and her jacket he hang in my body so I hold in both side and I wrap on my body then I lie my head again on his shoulder then he place again her hand to my skirt.

We look so good to each other just like previously.If someone view us it looks like were couple but actually not and I know it will never be happened because we're bestfriend and I don't want to lost my bestfriend anyway.
I want my bestfriend not lost and being stay beside me because his my bestfriend.
His the one person who could be there always for me and sometimes I cannot apologizing to him he only it's okay and he said "you don't need to say sorry and apologized"but actually in my mind I needed to say that on him.
His always be there for me in what any happened.He could not left me if I'm going out run of him sometimes but maybe because it's has been many times I think.
His just the person who would been I say that his truly my bestfriend and I say that our friendship are real strong!
It's so cold and I'd remember it's nearly again to fall snow here.
Kyeong stand and open my window again and he back sitting at my bed but when he feels the air.
"It's so cold."He said so he would stand and he will closed my window and closed my curtain only to will not feel the coldness here inside my room.

We will back to our previous position while we sitting here in my bed and fronted into my window.
Kyeong will lie her body into my bed and get relax then chilling for a mean while then he look at me suspiciously at my back until he push me down to that can results my body lie into my bed beside him then I cannot feel that I  pillowed into his arm.
I look at her and his so look chilling and relax based on her face.
He look at me and I guess he will thinks that I stared him but in truth I will not stared him.He would placed her hand passed my body so just like he wrap me by his long hand but her body were not nearing at my body and it will not closely our body between us.He only looking at my below parts with his naked eyes and I looked too where he will be looking at.

I don't  know where he looks at or where his looking on.

Her nose just like sneeze but actually her nose not's only looks like that if he were be touch to something and I think and guess he touched into my sad face when I fronting into her direction.He looks so sad so me I feel concerned to him, what happened to him why he looks so suffered and sad.
"Hmm?"He look at me.
"Why are you sad?"
"Hmm?"Her eyebrow raise but her face are in suffer expression and look so sad.
"I mean why are you....looks so sad?"
I asked in shy tone voice but he only look at me until he answered my question.
"Uhmmm...because you hurt me again."He smiled.
"Huh?"my shock reaction."What?! But I would not do anything makes you sad."My reaction.I see a playing joker smile on her lips.
"Joke.It's only a joke.Ofcourse it's only a joke,he place her hand into my cheek so I look at her hand on my cheek and I hold her hand were in my cheek."Peace."He said,he would make her fingertip to letter V shape when he said that.
He smiled so mashtably but ugh I feel some grumpy on my mind because does not a good joke but actually only a bit not too much but it will be passed fastly.

Jae-Shang  And Kyeong:They and IWhere stories live. Discover now