Part 1

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Raven POV

I can't take it anymore. No-one cares for me. No-one loves me. Friends to whom I thought were my family don't care about me. Ever since Terra came back. It looks like I don't even exist. It looks like I was the one to betray the team. Beast Boy and Terra are now a couple and they both together make fun of me. At first I didn't mind and beast boy would ask Terra to not do it. But now, it's too much. My team no longer ask me join them in any activities. Watch movie with them, eat pizza with them. Not even fight with them. They have to easily forgiven Terra's betrayal like it never happened. 

I had enough. Why even am I with such selfish people? Terra just turned to Slade, almost killed us. But now, it doesn't matter to them. Beast Boy has no respect for me any longer. He don't care about me any longer. Just mix with his girlfriend and verbally abuse me. They say Terra was scared and Slade manipulated her. But they don't understand it was her fault. She was the one to ask for his help. 

It's over now. I don't want to be a Titan anymore. If Terra can betray them just because she was scared, so can I. I left my communicator, and a note in the kitchen counter. I was ready to leave. Next time they meet me. I won't be the Raven they remember. Father was correct. They never loved me. He was correct everyday. Now I understand. Father, I am coming. 

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