Part 15

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Terra POV

"Explain" Robin said as he stepped into the light. His face was emotionless yet determined. 

I exhaled is relief. "You have to know one thing that Raven's mortality and demon are different." Ok, guess it wasn't enough. 

All were now in front of me, holding same face like Robin. Even Beast Boy. Except the fact that his eyes burn with anger towards me. All other's eyes were dull. 

"You see. They both look different too. Raven's demon side does not have emotions. It lives to kill and rule. It's demons nature. Now, what I am trying to say is that Raven have never used her human side. Her powers, they were part of her demon. And to use them. She locked away her human part." 

"When a baby is born, it's pure and innocent. It's also a mortal, but, it still holds purity. As it grows up, it's innocence and purity is disturbed by truth and egos. Now, in case of Raven. She never used her mortal side. Which means it's still pure. It contains all her emotions and innocence. She is still new to the world and demon Raven can't destroy her because, her purity prevents her to do so." 

They had the same expression but this time, it was understanding. It means they understood me. 

"So, you are trying to say that Raven's mortality is different than her demon. Right?" Robin asked. I nodded. 

"To find her, you must fight the guardian demon. In your case, it's Raven." I warned them. 

"Raven won't make it easy. Now listen. She will make it look like its easy to get through her. But it's not. She might act to ignore one of you while fighting and then she know that person will slip away. But, she has shifted her mortality to other place."

"Robin, do you remember the library where Raven turned into portal?" I asked. 

He nodded in yes. "There's a portal to azarath in that library. That is the original position of her mortal blood. Raven is protecting that portal. You have to distract her. But do it in such a way that she doesn't acknowledge it. Then only you can win." I finally told them one truth. 

I sighed, "I guess you know what to do after that." A unison of yes filled the room. 

"I told you whatever I knew. And as promised, you won't have to see my face again." They looked at each other, then Robin stepped towards me and said. "What you have done, we can never forgive you." I know it genius. "But, you have helped us by telling us their plan. So you won't be given death punishment. You will be sent to JLA and they will decide what to do with you." 

He is joking, Right? He have to kill me after what I did to them. So why is he sending me to justice league? 

"Cyborg. Tell batman that we are sending a criminal to him." Cyborg nodded. I think I really am going to live now. God gave me a chance, and this time, I will live life for good. 

"Thank you Robin. And sorry." I felt ashamed for whatever I did. I have to. er

He nodded and I was shifted to a unbreakable cell for some more days. It's OK. There is a bed. A net above it for sunshine and some comic books too. I guess I can live with that for some days.


What Terra told us, it will bring a huge difference in our plan. We have to train more now. Raven knows our every step. 

After shifting Terra to a cell. Robin called an emergency meeting. 

"Titans. I know what we planned won't help us. We have to find a way to go through Raven. She will be completely angry at that time. So we better not make her angrier. Now, the plan of whoever reach first will add blood won't work in this situation. We have to specifically decide who will leave. Any suggestions?" Robin asked. 

Star desperately wanted to raise her hand. But, she was still confused. Cy can't do it. So all the pressure was on three of us. I don't know what came in my mind that time. But, I knew I was doing right. Without hesitation, I raised my hand, "I'll do it!" 

They stared at me as I was a mad man. "You sure B?" Cy asked. I nodded. I was sure. I will add my mortality in Raven's to bring her back. After all, this was all my mistake. So I have to make up for it. 

I think they understood my idea and we together went to gym for some extra practice which we surely will need. I just wish all of this end well and we get our Rae back. 



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