Part 14

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Terra POV

I can only see darkness. I can't feel my body, wait. I can. It's sore and stiff. It's hard to move. It feels like hundreds of bricks are on top of my body. It's just impossible. I can feel my eyes slowly opening. Darkness slowly faded. 

I shot opened my eyes and closed shut immediately as my eyes hit the light. Slowly I opened them and adjusted to the light source. I imagined myself lying on the bed but I was sited on a metallic chair. My head hurts like hell. It's so bad. 

I tried to move my hands, but, they were tied. Rope will be easy to cut. When I saw, my hands were tied with metal bands. My palm was slowly turning white. The metal band was blocking blood from flowing. 

My legs. They were open. But, no use. The chair was fixed on the floor. I can't move it. Where am I? Why am I here? Did Slade caught me? Or worse, did Raven caught me? 

I swear if she found out I went to Titans to tell them, she is going to murder me instant. I can't die. Not before I say sorry to all Titans and Beast Boy. 

Oh I am so dead now. She will kill me. I will die. I deserve to die. After what I did, I have to die. God have given me many chances and I always ruin it. I just turned a hero into a villain. I took away her friends. I deserve it. I deserve all. I will say sorry and will rot in hell and-

"You are awake, I see." The voice, it sounds... familiar. But, it wasn't Slade's voice, neither it was of Raven's. It sounded like... Robin. 

"Why are you here?" Another voice. It was Beast Boy. His voice was full of hate. I can't see their faces but I can feel their eyes burning in mine. I know I messed up. And that why I am here. To make up for it. 

"Uh..." I tried. But, my voice died before reaching my lips. My throat is dry. My mind was still afraid. Afraid of the fact that they won't believe me. Why would they? After all, I betrayed them. Twice. 

I was still thinking what to say. I can't let this chance slip. I have to make up for whatever bad things I have done. With a deep, sharp breath and name of God, I talked. 

"I know, you won't believe me but, whatever you are planning to do won't work." I said in a dry raspy voice. 

"And why so?" This voice. It was supposed to be sweet. But it is full of bitterness towards me. Starfire. 

"Because, you are doing just like they planned. You visited Raven's nevermore and talked to her knowledge. It was part of their plan. You are trying to find Raven's mortality and they know it. They let you know it. They let you have the information about her. It's their trick to capture you!" I warned them. Hope they trust me. 

"And why should we trust and believe you?" Beast Boy. 

I sighed. I knew it. They won't believe me. But, they have to. It will end them if they don't!

"You have to believe me. Look, I know I broke your trust. Twice. But, this time, I won't do it. Please! I am here to tell you their plan. They know your every single step. And that's why I came to told you where Raven's mortality. But you have to believe me. For the love of God just believe me one last time and then you don't have to ever see my face!" I practically shouted. What else would I do huh? I do have to make a promise. Even if it means to never see them again. 

They are more stronger than they think they are. Demons, for God's sake they are demons. Do they really think Raven will let all of this happen? She is not dumb. If they think that their plan is just perfect then there is no-one more stupid than them. 

Silence. I think they are still thinking before trusting me again. Please God. Just this time I won't break their trust. Just let me help them. Please! 

After what seemed like hours, Robin stepped in light, his face emotionless. He said only one word. 




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