Part 9

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It was dark. Dark and silent. It was even more silent than Timid's domain. The ground was of hard cement and we can't see anything else other than a blanket of darkness. 

Silence. Dead silence. Our footsteps were the only thing that can be heard. Nothing else. We were scared of breaking it. We just continued our silent search for brave. It looks like for searching brave, our brave had to work at a really great amount. 

No screams, no shouting, no yelling. Hell, not even a single sob or whimper. This was bad. There should be a way to find Brave. Usually, I can perfectly see in the dark but here, don't know. I just... can't. 

Timid was already clutched on my arm and Happy just... roamed freely. After all, she was happy. She has to be... happy! Star had taken the air out of Robin's arm and if only there was light, you could practically see his face, trying to hold back a painful scream, and he would whimper now and then! 

I was kinda glad that Star wasn't clutching to me. Timid's hand barely weighed and she held it softly, scared she might hurt me. 

"Man, I can't see anything! ANYTHING!" Cy's voice echoed through the whole damn place. He was frustrated, everyone was, except happy and timid of course. 

"Where can she be dude? WHERE!?" I yelled in the same tone as Cy. 
Little did I know that the person clutching my arm was too terrified from my frustrated yell and she started sobbing and crying! 

Timid was too (by too means very much!) scared she just cried and cried, Happy just laughed and laughed, I and Cy just argued and argued. Star just keep crushing Robin's arm by every passing second and Robin just had enough and released a big whimper. Which made Star crush the arm more and more.

Now to you, this scene must be hilarious, but to us, it was a totally frustrating zone war. 

"EVERYBODY STOP!!" My voice rang in the dark empty room and all voices died as soon as those words left my mouth. They just stared. Robin in pain, Star in confusion, Timid with big red puffy eyes, happy with a huge smile, and Cy with a fuming rage of frustration. 

"Guys fighting or crushing someone's arm-" I pointed towards Star who immediately let go of Robin's arm and Robin who sighed in relief and looked at me thankfully. "- is not a solution to our problem. What if Brave wants us to do it so we fell off our strategy? This might be her trick so we retrieve! We mu-" Before I could finish my sentence, a wave of earthquake hit the ground, causing it to shake beneath us. Dark, heavy, raspy voice replaced the room's dead silence. 

"You are not as dumb as I thought you would be Beasty!" The voice was deep and scary. I don't know what happen but Timid came running towards me and hid behind my back pointing towards the place where she was standing. Her fist grabbed the cloth of my uniform as her hot tears fell on my back. 

I held her close as she silently cried. I looked towards the place she was pointing at. She was trembeling horribly. 

All my friends move towards the empty place. When they saw nothing, they motioned me with a shrug. Just then something pull Star's leg, 

"AGHHH!!" She yelled as she was being dragged. Timid was now horrified. Utterly shock. Her face filled with unstopable tears and small cute hiccups leaving her mouth. 

"STARFIRE!" Robin ran to save her but she dissapered in dark. 
Now there were only 5 of us. Timid was trembeling and hid her face in my chest and eyes squesed together. Happy was a little scared but was able to hold her self. On the other hand, we three boys, we were totally horrified. It was written on our faces. 

"Aww... Looks like someone is scared. Where is your Braveness now?" The saame raspy voice rang through our ears.

"Show yourself y-you cowards." Robin did stammer. 

"WHAT!? Our fearless leader is scared? Didn't saw that coming!" And after that it started to laugh. Laugh which send chills throughout our body. 

Come on. Where the heck is Raven's brave! Wait! Doesn't she said 'where is your braveness now'? OH MY GOSH! SHE IS TESTING US! SHE IS BRAVE! AND SHE IS IN A TRANCE!!!!!! 

Ok gotta play along! 

I stepped forward and I don't know what I was thinking before I said.... "I am not scared of this!" 

These simple words stopped that creepy laugh. I could sense her confusion and then anger. 


I smirked. It worked. I look at my side to see Robin and Cyborg giving me a face which say 'What the heck do you think you are doing?' 

For their reply I shot them a look of 'play along' 

I guess they got the message because they started to play along with my act! 

"Yep not at all. We all are Brave enough to not be scared from your childish act!" Robin said sternly.


As the scream started, the darkness of room faded showing a fainted Brave in her usual green cloak and leotard. 

Starfire was practically just swinging herself in air with full horror, not daring to open her eyes. We all rushed towards Raven and I took her unconscious body in my arms. He was still unconscious but steady. 

Robin went to took starfire and we decided to move towards another emotion and that is... Lazy! 



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