Chapter •[11]• The Final

Start from the beginning

"Nothing all weekend?"

"Correct, why?",

"Just asking."

Ugh! Their killing me.

"Fine, keep your secrets, I'm leaving."


The next week was even worse, they didn't even talk to me at all. Maybe their tired of me? I should just leave them alone.

Summer break is about to kick in and they still won't talk to me, it's kinda sad. The teachers asked us to go through our lockers, to clear everything out. I found a note in mine, I wonder what I did now.

The note said:

'Dear Y/n,

Sorry for ignoring you, we really have been busy. Now, I know you love adventures so I've got you a quest. Just follow the riddles. Go to the place we first met, there you'll see you next clue.

-Saiki K.'

A treasure hunt? Cool, I guess I'll partake in it.


The place where we first met, wouldn't that be the classroom? Yeah, I'll go there.

Once there, on my desk was a piece of paper, the classroom was abandoned along with school, everyone went home.

'I see your not dumb, go to the place you heard something extraordinary.

-Saiki K.'

The place I heard something extraordinary? And I'm not dumb at all.

As I grumbled, I made it to the rooftop, something extraordinary would be him apologizing. Right?

And as expected there laid another note.

'I underestimated you, now go to the place where we fell asleep.

-Saiki K.'

"Say it again and I'll kill you bro."

We fell asleep at a lot of places be more specific, but the one place that stood out was the movie theater. You best not make me walk for nothing.

Once there I walked to the counter to talk to the woman, she gasped and brought out a note.

"Are you Y/n?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay, here ya go!"

She handed me a note and I took it, another clue.

'Great job, now go to the place where I love.

-Saiki K.'

He's getting shorter with the clues, I thanked the woman and walked to the Convenience store. Either his favorite place is in the coffee jelly aisle or at his house.

Surely enough, there laid a note on the coffee jelly rack, picking it up I read it.

'You've come so far, don't give up. Now, go to the place where we laid and ate.

-Saiki K.'

I'm guessing his house, I made my way go his house. There on the door step laid another note, this time labeled at the end.

'I'm impressed, now go in, for you have won the game.

-Saiki K.'

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