Chapter •[7]•

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But she promised, even if it didn't come and he settled down with someone else.

That she would be happy for him, because his happiness was first when it came to hers.


Teruhashi has hated me ever since I got her brother to take her home, though she may not voice it, her thoughts are loud and clear.

I sighed, after school Teruhashi invited me, Chiyo, and Mera for a sleepover at her house.

She's definitely going to poison me...

"Y/n. Y/n!"


Chiyo's voice pulled me from my over exaggerating thoughts.

"We're you even listening? I said you should go get us a movie while we set up the food. How does that sound?"

She stared at me with hopeful eyes, I smiled and nodded. I got up and walked to the door, putting my shoes on, as soon as I was about to leave Mugami stopped me.

Oh lord.

"Y/n! Wait up! Let me walk you there."

"Oh, no it's fine."

He shook his head, he was purely convinced that I would love him back if he was nice to me by walking me there.

"No, I insist that I walk you there. Who knows, there could be pervs all around you."

Yeah, your right, I'm staring at one right now.

"It's okay, plus I have to stop by the, um, to get...woman supplies..."

I nervously smiled, I haven't ever been great at lying but I'm glad this is a t.v show, anything could happen.


He walked off and I sighed, of course I didn't need those things I was just going to get me some snacks to eat there. If I brought them back Mera would eat them all.


After getting a few movies, I stopped by the store and made my way to the coffee jelly aisle.

To which I grabbed me two and Saiki two, I wasn't going to go to his house I was merely going to teleport it to him.

I went to the check out and bought the items, I walked out and went behind the store to avoid suspicion. I grabbed the two for Saiki and a little sticky note that explained why it was there then I teleported it to his bedroom desk, I hoped he liked it.

Who am I kidding? Of course he would like it.

I teleported back to Teruhashi's house but made it look like I was just walking up. Once in I made my way to the girl's room, the door was cracked and I peeked in to see them huddled in a circle, I could barely hear them but what they said surprised me.

They said...

That they were going to wait til I fell asleep and dress me up and put make-up on me, and then after that they were going to take pictures and put it on Hamstergram.

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