Chapter 21 - Escape!

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Hey! I managed to find some time to upload another chapter! I apologise in advance for a long wait because I have a lot of things planned for the rest of the school year as it's my last in school and I have exams.

Just a warning, this chapter contains some strong language later in the chapter.

Please comment, vote or fan

Becca <3



Draco's POV

Draco hated this new Ella. He hated how she could act like she was better than everyone else. How she could torture people so easily and watch her best friends in pain. Well, ex-best friends. Since they had escaped Ella had been keeping to herself more and even skipping meals. No one else found it weird that she barely ever showed, no one else found it strange or suspicious that sh made up phoney excuses as to why. Everyone else believed her, why shouldn't they? She was Voldemort's daughter, the second most feared person in the wizarding world. You'd have to have a death wish to accuse her of anything or contradict her. Blaise also seemed secretive too, whispering to Ella when she did make an appearance and refusing to tell Draco anything, saying it was 'nothing'. Draco didn't believe this for one minute and he was determined to find out what was going on.

Ella's POV

Ella pulled Blaise over one evening after dinner. She didn't go to meals often, and when she did it was because she needed to talk to someone. Since the escape of Harry, Ginny and Ron she had dedicated her time to planning a way out and deciding what to take with her to Shell Cottage.

 "I'm leaving." She told him.

"When?" He asked her simply.

"Tonight," she looked around carefully. "Laugh."

"What?" He asked, confused.

"Laugh. Pretend I've just told a joke." He faked a laugh that sounded very real and she joined in.

"What was that in aid of?"

"I need to be careful." She nodded subtly towards Draco who was eyeing them wearily. "I don't want people being suspicious. I know that Draco suspects me."

"Suspicious of you? You're probably one of the few people that they believe are trustable. I din't think anyone suspects you and as for Draco; he...he doesn't want to believe that you're evil." Blaise reassured her.

"Thanks Blaise." He grinned in reply.

"Have you...have you talked to Draco?" She looked down at her feet. "I guess not then."

"What am I supposed to say? Hey Draco, I've been lying to you and everyone. I'm not actually evil and I'm planning on running away to help Harry to defeat my dad and all of the Deatheaters including you. I'm not sure that would go down with him too well."

"You know what I mean. Draco loves you...well, he loves the good Ella." Ella looked away guiltily. "What's wrong? What aren't you telling me?" Ella's shoulders drooped as she gave up.

"I can't stop thinking about him. I feel guilty about every bad thing I say in front of him, every bad thing I do. When he's not there I'm perfectly fine, but when he is...I can't explain it...." Blaise frowned.

"You still have feelings for him?"

"They never went away. I simply covered them with my anger towards him from the Pansy thing and my determination here to help defeat the Deatheaters." Ella confessed sadly. "You can't tell him. If I leave then everything will be fine." She concluded determindly. Blaise stopped her as she went to walk away.

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