Chapter 12 - Setting things straight

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Hey guys! From this chapter on, Hermione will be known as Ella besides in the second sentence of this chapter xxxx ENJOY!!! xxxxxx


Draco's POV

Draco sat at the dining table silently, his mind reeling. Hermione was Voldemort's thought to be dead daughter Ella. No wonder she had been acting strangly and reading about him. He couldn't believe that she had only known for 3 days and had already agreed to meet him. No wonder she freaked out. His eyes moved to her. She was talking and laughing with Blaise and his mother, Narcissa Malfoy. Everyone had arrived later that afternoon and Severus had explained everything. The only person that hadn't turned up yet was Bellatrix. She was supposed to be arriving tomorrow and Draco wondered what might happen, because Bella had torture Ella, back before anyone knew who she was besides Snape and stupid Dumbledore. He noticed that Voldemort hadn't turned up to dinner, probably because of the events that had occured earlier. Suddenly his mother raised her glass.

"I just want to say how happy we all are to have you back. We missed you Ella!" Everyone agreed and Ella smiled.

"Thank you all, but I'm quite tired from everything that's happened today. But I can't remember where my room is."

"Draco will show you Ell!" Blaise shot him a cheeky look. Draco kicked him under the table.

"Actually, I....."

"Draco, where are your manners? Take Ella to her room." Narcissa cut Draco off. He sighed before getting up and leading Ella to her room. they walked slowly down the corridor until they got to the end.

"Wnna come in?" She opened the door and he followed her in. She jumped onto the bed and patted a spot nnext to her. He cautiously sat down before turning to face her.

"Ella, if I'd known who you were I swear I would never had been so nasty to you." Ella stopped him.

"Look Draco, it doesn't matter, it's fine, don't worry about it, honestly!" She laughed. "Your face just then was hilarious! And when you looked so confused earlier it was priceless!" She laughed and fell back onto the bed. "I never thought you could pull such a funny face!" She laughed hysterically before sitting up again.

"you're crazy!" He let a laugh escape his lips. He found it amusing how she could laugh so much at something like that.

"And I love it" she giggled. "If I wasn't crazy my life would probably be SO boring. Besides the fact that I'm best friends with the chosen one..." She stopped suddenly. "Oh my god. Harry is the chosen one! My father and my best friend are arch enemies." She sat there ridgedly, he eyes wide. Draco put an arm around her.

"Don't worry Ell, if they both love you then they'll both sort out their differences." He suddenly felt that funny feeling in his stomach again. He had his arm around the girl he had liked since the beginning of the year. He quickly removed it in case of making it too awkward but she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you Draco" she sighed quietly. He moved a piece of hair out of her face and looked into her beautiful dark brown eyes. He blinked and quickly stood up.

"Err, I'd better go, but I'm always here if you want to talk." She looked somehwat disappointed but nodded anyway.Draco left and closed the door behind him, letting out a massive breath

"Wow you really have a way with the ladies, next time remember to close the door when you go in her room." Draco's head jerked up andjumped.

"BLAISE!!! STOP DOING THAT!!!!! Seriously, you have some mental stalker problem." Bailse grinned devilishly.

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