Chapter 4 - Worried

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CHAPTER 4 - Worried

Ginny's POV

Ginny lay in bed thinking about her poor friend. Something was wrong with her, and it was definitely something to do with that letter she received. She remembered seeing Draco laughing after she left, and was sure it was something to do with him. ‘Little sod, I’ll make him pay for hurting my friend!’ A loud snore came from Lavender’s bed and Ginny giggled quietly. She could hear Hermione muttering under her breath but couldn’t make out what she was saying. Suddenly a scream erupted from Hermione’s mouth startling her. She ran to her friend’s bed at top speed and comforted the terrified girl. “What happened Hermione?” “N...nothing, just a b....bad dream.” Ginny saw that her friend was avoiding her eyes and suspected she was lying, but nodded anyway and went back to bed, drifting to sleep quite easily.

The next morning when she got up she saw that Lavender was still snoring away, but Hermione had probably gone down to the great hall already. When she got down there she saw Hermione sitting at the Gryffindor table by herself dabbing at her cereal with her spoon. She looked shattered, as if she barely had any sleep after waking up during the night. Ginny sat down next to her and grabbed some toast just as Luna walked up to them. “I sense that you are troubled, so I made you this to keep the Nargles away.” She handed Hermione a strange looking bracelet and skipped off to the Ravenclaw table. Ginny looked at her suspiciously. “Troubled? What did she mean?” “It’s none of your business Ginny” Hermione snapped. “Look Mione, just tell me please? Ok? I’m your best friend, and we trust each other with everything. It’s the letter isn’t it?” Hermione sighed. “Yes......” she said in a quiet voice before pulling it out off her pocket and handing it to Ginny who read it quietly out loud.

Dear my darling Hermione,

Happy birthday, I hope that you are well? But now you are 17, I know t is time to tell you the truth. The truth about your.......real parents. I am your father, your real father, and I loved you and your mother very much. When you were taken as a baby, we thought you were dead, and we would never see you again. Unfortunately, Sophia (your mother) died of grief a few weeks later. I thought I would never have a family again, until my most trusted friend, a professor at your school told me about you. Apparently you look and act so much like your mother. I hope Mr and Mrs Granger have treated you well and I hope to see you soon.

Lots of love,                                    

Your Father.

Ginny sat there bewildered. “ this true??” is all she could manage to say. “Obviously not! When I looked round the great hall, Malfoy was laughing! It was probably him and his stupid Slytherin friends” there was anger in her friend’s voice. “It’s probably their idea of a stupid joke, calm down! Show them that it won’t affect you.” Hermione smiled at her ginger friend’s wise words. “Since when did you get so wise Gin?” She joked. They both laughed. “Come on, lets get to potions before Snape has a fit. They both went to leave but Ginny turned round to scowl at Draco who was leant up against the wall watching the two of them. He sent her a quizzical look, but she ignored him. He would do anything to pretend he was innocent.

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