Chapter 7 - Unexpected events

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I decided to upload more than one chapter because I got bored. Enjoy :)


Ginny woke when she heard Hermione scream out in fear. She jumped up from her bed and rushed over to her best friend. She was drenched in sweat and her terrified eyes darted about the room. She banged on Harry and Ron's door and Harry emerged in a dressing gown.

"Ginny? What's wrong?" He asked, suddenly worried.

"There's something wrong with Hermione. She had a nightmare and won't speak to anyone, she just looked scared out of her wits." Ginny grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him to where they were sleeping.

"How do you know it was a nightmare?" She gave him a look that said that was a stupid question.

"She woke us all up with the most terrified scream I've ever heard! I'm surprised you boys didn't hear it." They entered the room to find Hermione with her knees up to her face and tears streaming down her face. Lavender and Parvati were trying to calm her down. Harry sat down on the side of the bed.

"Hermione, It's ok, what happened?" Her eyes looked into his, and he was surprised by the amount of terror in her eyes.

"V....Voldemort..." she whispered shakily before dropping her head onto her knees. Harry looked up, suddenly worried for her. He turned to the girls.

"We need to take her to Professor McGonagall. Now. Ginny, help me carry her, Lavender and Parvati, stay here and explain where we've gone if anyone asks." Harry said taking charge. They all nodded silently, before Ginny and Harry grabbed one of Hermione's arms each and helping her get up and leave the room.

When they got to Professor McGonagall's office, her eyes widened when Gnny explained what had happened.

"She had a nightmare about Voldemort? We need to get her to Professor Dumbledore right away. Mr Potter and Miss Weasley, I can take it from here, please return to your dormatories. Harry nodded and turned to leave, but Ginny didn't move.

"No, I want to stay with her and make sure she's ok. Please! She's my best friend!" McGonagall sighed.

"Fine Miss Weasley. Follow me."

"I'll meet you back at the common room Gin." Harry kissed Ginny lightly on the cheek before turning round and heading off into the darkness.  McGonagall walked at a fast pace while Ginny and a dazed Hermione followed. They arrived at Dumbledore's office.

"Gumdrops" she said quietly, and the stone figure move, revealing a stairway.

After Hermone had quickly explained the nightmare and Dumbledore frowned. He looked down on the children solemnly through his half moon glasses. "Minerva, I think it might be time to explain to Hermione why this is happening to her...and about her REAL parents..."

"WHAT?!" All eyes turned to Hermione's shocked face. "What are you talking about?!" Dumbledore looked awkwardly at his feet before offering her and Ginny a seat and explaining.

"Mr and Mrs Granger are not your real parents. Your real parents are Tom and Sophia Riddle. We implanted memories into Mr and Mrs Granger to make them think that they were really your parents. That 'nightmare' was in fact what really happened. I took you from your parents as a baby to save you from what your father was going to become. Your mother died shortly after though, causing Tom to gain power due to hs loss and anger." Hermione stared angrily at him.

"It was YOU! You caused my mother to die! You made my father angry! Everything I have been told is a lie?! Is there anything real about my life?!" Hermione shouted furiously at Dumbledore. Ginny stared open mouthed at Hermione, her mouth hanging open in shock. Not just what what she had just learnt, but beause she had never seen Hermione this angry before. "Tell me! Just tell me the truth!!"

"Mione, calm down!" Ginny grabbed her but Hermione pushed her off.

"Tell me! I demand to know!!" The rage inside her burned, and she felt angry enough to kill the old man. Suddenly she stopped and slumped to the floor. She started crying. She couldn't take all of this. "Professor..." she whispered quietly. "What is my name?" She dropped her head.

"Your real name is Ella Sophia Riddle. I'm sorry. I suggest you go back to your rooms and get some sleep. I expect that you'll want some time to think about this." Hermione said nothing, nodding her head, before allowing Ginny to take her back to the common room.

'Why? Why me?' She thought to herself before falling asleep.

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