Chapter 5 - Punching the 'Ferret'

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CHAPTER 5 - Punching the 'Ferret'

Hermione’s POV

Hermione and Ginny had potions next with Harry, Ron and their least favourite teacher, Professor Snape. And to make things worse was that they had that class with the Slytherins. “Today class, before you go into the class, I must inform you that you have new seats, with someone from a different house. Now before any of you protest, I must warn you that if you wish to have a month’s detention, you will do as you’re told.” There was a horrified muttering but Snape silenced it with a stare. “Inside” he said in his bored voice. He smirked evilly and ushered the class in. Hermione walked in and found her worst nightmare. She was placed next to Draco Malfoy.

“Look do you WANT me to help you or NOT Malfoy?!” She was getting more and more frustrated by Draco’s lack of concentration. “Whatever. I don’t care Mudblood.” He smirked at her. She grabbed his robe and pulled him to his feet. “What did you just call me Ferret???” She saw him wince slightly at that name, remembering when Professor Moody had turned him into a ferret in the fourth year. He pulled free of her grasp, now aware that everyone was staring at them, including Professor Snape who was scowling at them. “I called you a Mudblood. Got a problem with that Granger?” Hermione had had enough. With all of her might, she punched Malfoy straight in the nose, grabbed her bag and left the room furiously.

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